We start in Christ when we Seek God’s Face.
I have been shaken to the core in my bible reading of the prophets, as God continues to call us His people who call on His name to humble ourselves, pray honest prayers concerning our state, seek His face, and return to Him leaving our ways behind.
Humility, honesty, seeking, and returning
True humility for me is my complete surrender to Jesus’ supremacy. Regarding help, it is my complete dependence on Jesus’ all-sufficiency. All things have been accomplished through the Son. Humility is my accepting this truth, I cannot produce the truth, but nevertheless, I accept the testimony of God concerning His Son. He who has the Son has life.
Honesty regarding my inability to produce is acknowledging my insufficiency and submission to His supremacy. Like an alcoholic, I must admit I am powerless in my own power. In Christ, I can do all things but without Christ, I can do nothing.
Here is where I am. I am seeking God inside Christ, freely acknowledging His provision in Christ Jesus while drawing near with an honest heart as I seek His face. Seeking the face of God in Christ Jesus means God the Father has all things I need in Christ Jesus, but I do not know how to receive. I seek His help and His mercy; I seek to see the glory of God in the face of Christ to be undone again.
I return when I find God, for then I know from where I have fallen. I return when I discover the truth of His Son again and see the lie, of which I have been taken captive. I return when my eyes are opened, and I turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God.
Seeking God is a timeless promise. It requires humility, honesty, and willingness to turn when we discover the face of God and we face ourselves. God is perfect, I am not. God is all-powerful I am not. My hands and the work of my hands are not God. God has provided all things in the Son. Salvation, healing, deliverance, redemption, everything is provided for us in the Son of God. He is so valuable that He will not be found until we search for Him with our whole hearts.
The best news! We are in Christ. The great news is we have the Holy Spirit and the Word of God and our own crisis to needle us back into the fullness of God’s provision.
When You said, “Seek My face,” my heart said to You, “Your face, Lord I will seek.” Psalm 27:8
The last Summer Love Feast will be this Wednesday, August 9th, at 5 pm, followed by a Night of Worship!