So the word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed. Acts 19:20
This will be an amazing week of transitions – Paul closing his public ministry leading to his arrest. Peter, John, and Jude are giving eternal truths in our walk with Christ. We will witness David in compromise with His calling and Saul in desperation seeking Samuel from the dead. David recovers all, and Saul is killed in battle. David then moves to Hebron. He is anointed king of Judah and reigns there for seven years.
We finish Psalms and move into Proverbs the book of wisdom, as we continue in Hosea and the many promises given to Israel to return to the Lord.
Acts 19 – 25
Paul is at Ephesus, and we see the word of the Lord grow mightily and prevail. From there, Paul begins his desire to go to Rome which grows into God’s promise to stand before Ceasar. From a desire to a promise to a point of deliverance; Acts 19:21; 23:11; 27:24. Paul returned to Jerusalem and was warned of what awaited him on his journey to Jerusalem. He was then arrested after a mob sought to kill him. Paul shared his testimony, stood before the Sanhedrin, and was then escorted by soldiers to Caesarea because of a plot to kill him. There he met his accusers left in chains for two years, until another governor arrived, and was forced to appeal to Ceasar because the plan to kill him is still active.
2 Peter 3
Peter closes his last epistle by addressing that God is not slack concerning His promises but longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.
1 John 1 – 5
The Love Epistle of John is filled with calls to walk in the light, life, and love. Fellowship is the theme in the first Chapter and sin is addressed as to what breaks this. In Chapter two, we are called to love our brothers and walk in the light. John speaks to little children, fathers, and young men, and then addresses the love of the world and the anointing which we have all received. John three begins with the promise of transformation as we behold Christ as He is revealed and then into our call to love. Chapter four is love, love, love. Chapter five is our call to be overcomers, the witness of God, confidence in prayer, and the asking of life for a brother that we see sinning not leading to death.
2 John and 3 John
Two short letters of John, rejoining in the hearing of those walking in “the truth.” Repeated nine times.
Jude is the brother of James and brother of Jesus. This epistle is a call to “Contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.” A very strong letter of exhortation finishing with great promises of faith, hope, and love.
Psalms 149 – 150
The last two Psalms rock! Our victory through praise in binding kings with fetters of iron. Then a climatic call for everything that has breath to praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!
Proverbs 1 – 4
Wisdom calls aloud. Proverbs are written; To know wisdom and instruction, to perceive the words of understanding, to receive the instruction of wisdom, justice judgment, and equity; to give prudence to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion. Proverbs 1:2 – 4
Read the Chapter slowly, pondering on what is being said. The first four chapters set up the importance of wisdom in keeping us from folly.
Hosea 9 – 13
Hosea continues calling Israel to return to God. Judgment is coming. God continues to call Israel to repentance. Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground for it is time to seek the Lord till He comes and rains righteousness on you.” Hosea 10:12
God loves Israel and is committed to recovering them after they have been dispersed. But I am the Lord, your God, ever since the land of Egypt; I will again make you dwell in tents, as in the days of the appointed feast. Hosea 12:9