We are approaching the Feast of Shavuot, known in the church as Pentecost. In Judaism, it is the celebration of Moses giving the law. For Christians, it is the celebration of Jesus giving the Holy Spirit. In both, it is also the celebration of the beginning of the harvest, and the covenant being enacted between God and His people.
2 Corinthians 3, delineates the differences today between the first covenant and the new covenant —not of the letter but of the the Spirit, for the letter kills but the Spirit gives life. Paul continues to contrast the old as the ministry of death and condemnation, and the new as the ministry of the Spirit and righteousness. He points to the greater glory found in the face of Jesus Christ, rather than the glory that was reflecting off the skin of the face of Moses (2 Corinthians 3:7; 4:6; Exodus 34:29, 30). This greater glory is now the very means of our transformation into the image of Christ.
On Pentecost, the Holy Spirt came, because Jesus sat down the the right hand of the Father having been made High Priest, forever after the order of Melchizedek, His new ministry of sustained oneness through His accomplishment and intercession. The Father poured forth His anointing, the Holy Spirit, upon the head of Jesus, and the Holy Spirt poured out upon Jesus’ flesh on earth. The church was baptized in power!
Just as Moses had poured out the anointing oil upon the head of Aaron, now the Father poured out the Holy Spirit upon the head of Jesus. We, His body, were flooded with His new ministry—the Spirt of life in Christ Jesus. No longer would we be bound to the law of sin and death because we have been made free by Jesus. The Son has made us free! Proceeding from the Son is the new covenant of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus!
Oh the endless possibilities of what this can mean. Freedom from all things from which the law could not free us. That is power to witness and to experience Jesus, from glory to glory, the testimony of Jesus giving us victory in any and all things.
The coronation of Jesus was a historic event, a life giving event. It was the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus being given. This was the beginning of harvest season, that is soon to be culminated in the final ingathering of His children! Today, lets allow the Holy Spirit to gather us into Christ, into all the fullness of Spirit of life in Christ Jesus! Growing up into Him who is the head – Christ.