We are entering into God’s shift.
T’was the day after Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring, Wait! That’ not my house, there is movement everywhere. We have entered a profound shift from heaven.
When He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. Revelation 8:1
First, we are not at the seventh seal. I only reference this verse because this a universal pattern in God’s shifts. Silence. Be still and know that I am God. The Holy hush, where what we have been doing stops, and we wait on the Lord for what He will do.
In Revelation 7:1-6, It included incense – the prayers of the saints. Smoke of incense – the atmosphere created when fire touches incense. Fire from the altar – the source of God’s fire. Then it all was thrown to the earth, and there were noises, thunderings, lightings, and an earthquake – Heaven touched down! But it all began with silence in heaven.
Here are five things I believe we can observe in God’s shift.
- Take time to be still.
- Read His word.
- Listen to His voice.
- Follow Him in prayer and thanksgiving.
Here are three updates:
- There will not be Prayer in the Sanctuary this Wednesday, December 27th, 6:00 am to 6:00 pm. Prayer in the Sanctuary resumes January 3rd.
- We are having Intercession into 2024 on Wednesday night, December 27th, 6:00 pm. Intercession into the New Year, prophecy into the New Year, and blessings to enter the New Year.
- That I May Know Him – New Year Reading the Bible Together, and the New Podcast begins Monday, January 1st.
- The Intercession Workshop is Wednesday, January 10th, 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm with Randy and Edie Nelson along with many other ministers.
- To register click here.
I am praying for all of us to enter the stillness and rest of God this week. I hope you will join me in reading the Bible this New Year and attend our Intercession Workshop on January 10th.