Praying with Jesus in Spirit and truth
Jesus’ intercession is always, and in all ways to the glory of God, to redemption, and the fulfillment of Scripture.
Jesus prays (intercedes) for Peter (on the night of His arrest) when Satan demands to sift Peter as wheat through Peter’s pride. His intercession was that Peter’s faith would not fail and would bring Him back to the Lord in repentance. Then after he returned, he would strengthen his brethren. Peter would become an Intercessor for them.
Jesus came as the Word made flesh and submitted to the Father in all things and in all ways, through the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
Jesus knew and yielded to the truth of the scriptures that all must be fulfilled. He submitted to the cross, judgment, curse, sin, and the law in our place, as our Intercessor. He made intercession for the transgressors.
Today, Jesus our High Priest, intercedes for our salvation into fulness. Today, the Holy Spirit intercedes for our weakness into Christ’s conformity. Today, Jesus intercedes accusations and condemnations into His glory in resurrection. (Hebrews 7:25, Romans 8:26, 34)
Today, we intercede in Spirit and truth. We step into the gaps, with the word of God, fulfilled in Christ. Whether for Israel, America, Nations, His Church, or Family, we intercede from Christ’s completion, the Holy Spirit’s power, and God’s love.
Praying from scripture is seeing from fulfillment and promise, authority, and truth from above.
Praying from the Holy Spirit is in power and confidence as He is able to make all things turn for good.
Praying from God’s love causes faith to work.