Sunday, the Lord brought out a simple and profound truth. It’s something I have shared before, that caught my attention and brought faith. I shared that it’s not hard to be in the perfect will of God. By simply asking, “Your kingdom come and Your will be done”, by faith, we are in the perfect will of God.
Since sincere faith and submission are all that we can do, our prayer to welcome His kingdom and for His will to be done, simply requires that we believe it is being done, regardless of the circumstances.
Wading into the waters of trust, the scripture came to me again saying, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Isn’t it remarkable that to rejoice always, continuing in conversation with Him, with thanksgiving, is His will for us in Christ Jesus? I mean, there is no mention of: “Do this, accomplish this, don’t touch this”. In these charges, there is only an expressive attitude of the heart toward God, in Christ Jesus.
He is saying, “In Christ Jesus, there is no higher thing you can do then to rejoice, pray and give thanks. Why? Because there is no harder thing to do, either.
Circumstances in life are always changing and are never a true judge of anything, especially the will of God. One may be asked to follow the Lord here, another there. One may be asked to die, another to live and remain until He comes. The only thing that we can all do, in our circumstances, is to rejoice always, continue in prayer without quitting, and let thanksgiving fill our hearts.
The secret is found in the two little words, “In Christ.” God’s will for me, for you, for us, is completed in Christ. And, it is perfected in our joy, prayers, and thanksgiving.
Think how many exhortations are found in the New Testament to rejoice, to pray, and to give thanks. Now, instead of concentrating on change, give your attention to joyful conversation with thanksgiving for all that Christ Jesus has accomplished for you.
It’s genius! We concentrate on rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks, in Christ; and God concerns Himself with everything else. Now that’s good news.