“I go to prepare a place for you”…
When Jesus tried to explain to His disciples the reason for His departure on the eve of His crucifixion, He chose the word “Mansions”.
“In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am there you may be also”. John 14:2, 3
Jesus’ death and resurrection would address all sin and bring justification to all who believe–complete forgiveness, freedom, sonship, and inheritance.
Jesus’ resurrection is when He returned to His disciples and received them to Himself. The place had been prepared for each of us in the Father’s house, many mansions inside of Christ. In Christ, would now be our residence, our place of abiding. Jesus had also said on the eve of His crucifixion that at His resurrection they would know this.
“At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.” John 14:20
Jesus has prepared a place for us, Himself. In the Father, He now became our dwelling place, each of us in our own unique mansion, calling, and inheritance–Our place of knowing God.
Mansions then, are the place we have been given in Christ, in His inheritance and in His righteousness. Here is where our prayer begins in Christ. In Christ, we abide in His victory, in His justification, in His salvation, in His healing, His deliverance and everything He has become.
Not only do we have a mansion in Christ, but it has been furnished with His words. Jesus told His disciples to abide in Him and for His words to abide in them. His words dwelling in us are the assurances of things yet to be seen and the guarantee of things that have been done. His words are our title deed to our inheritance in Christ. His words are our faith in His accomplishment. His words are spirit and they are life.
Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would come and that He would abide in us. We are not alone.
We live in Christ, His words living in us, and the Holy Spirit lives in us as His own dwelling place. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit. The anointing abiding in us teaches us all things.
The Holy Spirit is how the Father reveals Christ and His voice. The Holy Spirit puts the Father’s laws in our mind and writes them on our hearts. He is powerful and makes us powerful, as witnesses to Jesus and all that we see and hear.
Picture yourself at a concert where your favorite artist is performing. You’re an adoring fan, and you could listen to this artist forever. Suddenly, it is announced that you have been chosen to become a part of the band. You will live together in the same house. Overjoyed you accept. And now, begins a new life. Living together, learning a new language, new music, and the new power that accompanies fame.
Something greater has happened to each one of us. We have been chosen to dwell in, and with, the resurrected Son of God, not as an outsider or even a servant, but as His brother. He is the first born of a new creation. We have been given a new language in which to communicate His very words spoken to Him by the Father, and now to us by the Holy Spirit.
Oh, and the fame? We now live in His glory, see glory in His face, and are transformed into the glory we see – from glory to glory.
When we were born again we moved in–Into Christ, in His word, in His Spirit–Christ dwelling in us, His words dwelling in us, the Holy Spirit dwelling in us! Every day, every prayer, is our discovering, holding, adoring, and becoming everything we are finding. We are one, inseparable, in union with God. Of course, we live in a mansion.