Have you heard the roar of the Lion? It’s a sound of freedom, it’s a sound of Jubilee! There is growing in our body a joyful, almost playful sound of freedom, as the Holy Spirit comes invading every area of our lives. He is disrupting our well-ordered lives with His largeness relaxing into our chaos. And we are saying, “More, more please. Fill us more. Invade every area of our souls, our spirits, our flesh, homes and lives.” He is filling us. The name of Jesus, on our lips, is unlocking the treasures of salvation. Healing and deliverance continue to grow… and we say, “Yes Lord!” We say “More Lord, more healing, more deliverance, more salvation.” He is Lord! His name is unlocking all of salvation’s glory, repentance, conversion, remittance, and refreshing from the presence of the Lord. Oh, so glorious.

Now, we gather for His Triumphant Voice to roar even more in us and through us, and to us. Our triumphant Lord is coming to His body, by His Spirit, in His voice being heard. We have thee nights, this week, to be together: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, 7 pm each night. I hope you can join us for every night. We will Live Stream them, if you can’t join us in person. But I hope you can. There will be some surprises, that happen best in person. Lot’s of laying on of hands, personal ministry, and various expressions of the Holy Spirit.

Here’s the schedule that we have so far. We are bringing every ministry together under themes that will be empowered by the Holy Spirit and the voice of our Beloved! Behold He comes leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills.


Wednesday March 16, 7 pm: Father’s Heart and Beastmode will be leading us, together in worship. This combined team of young hearts set on fire, will open the atmosphere and our hearts in worship. The Roots ministry will lead us in prayer and decrees for all of Israel. Rick Weinicke from Israel will give our message. Rick carries a profound and prophetic sound over the Lord’s working with Israel and the nations of the world. He is the creator of, “The Fountain of Tears.” A depiction of Christ’s last seven words on the cross, along with seven images of Holocaust victims in their suffering. This life sized creation is in Israel and now another one has just been created on the road to

Thursday March 17, 7 pm: Generations, Community, Prayer and Prophecy will be the themes and ministries that lead us into His triumphant voice. I am so excited about what the Lord has stirred for us to receive and give away. You will come away awakened and renewed. The place the Lord has prepared for you will be secured and revitalized and His voice alive again inside of you. I wish I could tell you what is going to happen, I know a few things, but it would be best for you to come and experience, than for me to attempt to explain. Life shall flow.

Friday March 18, 7 pm: The Voice of Healing, Nations Sending and Worship, will be our themes and ministries giving away. All the healing ministries are so excited and have heard the Lord, on the many ways He wants to heal us. Bring the sick and suffering for a night of healing and freedom. The nations are waiting, and the Lord is stirring, to send us into the nations. The night will bring the release of callings and commissioning us again to go. This will not be out of obligation, but in outpouring, as the Holy Spirit empowers us to be witnesses for Jesus. Then we shall bow in worship, as John did on the Island of Patmos, in Chapter 20 of Revelation. “Worship God”, the angel said to John. We will give to God His glory and our thanksgiving, as we turn again to behold the Lamb upon the Throne. We will crown Him with our worship.

This will be a week to remember, please pray for us.

Sunday March 20, 9 am: Rick Weinicke will share “The Lion of Judah”. The Lion of Judah has redeemed us to God, out of every tribe, tongue, people, and nation, by His blood. We are His prize; He is our Redeemer.

Sunday, 10:20 am: Nations Prayer continues with your intercession, and the intercession of many, for the reward of the Lamb’s suffering: SOULS. We begin in humility, receiving rain to our land – rain from heaven, and prosperity, health, and prosperity to our souls.

Sunday, 11 am: I will share “And the Holy Spirit Increased Even More – With Mega Power and Mega Grace Upon the Disciples”. We will celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entrance into Jerusalem on this Palm Sunday, seeing the power and grace, released through One. Then we will move into our study of Acts, and see the mega power and mega grace released by the Holy Spirit through the many disciples in Jerusalem, found in Acts 5 and 6. He just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger!


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