Jesus died for our sins. The greatest death that ever happened. In doing so, He was raised for our justification. He rose triumphantly with the keys of hell and death! Ascending to the Father, He cleansed heaven by His blood, making it accessible to man.
Sitting down next to the Father, He sent the gift of the Holy Spirit. This was the greatest gift we could be given. The Holy Spirit came by the hearing of faith. We believed in what Jesus had done, and we received the Holy Spirit as His gift to us.
So, why would the works of the law even enter back into the picture? Simply because of our flesh (our self-resources). This is accustomed to being our means to “doing”.
We hear of the walk of faith; and without trying, we resource our self (flesh), to walk this walk of faith. I know it sounds silly, but it’s true. We start by the Holy Spirit and try to end by the flesh. But the Holy Spirit and His miracles, are a gift given by the hearing of faith.
Now, we all have moments when we can see that we are trying to earn what we have been given. It shows up in frustration over our portion, especially when we have made sacrifices.
Like the elder brother, in the story of the prodigal (Luke 15), we realize that our good effort hasn’t been rewarded. They haven’t even been recognized, while others who have wasted their lives are eating the fatted calf.
But the younger brother got the fatted calf because he came back in faith. He had repented of His wrong image of his father and returned, contented to be made a servant.
Instead, He was greeted by his father’s love, embrace, new robes, rings, sandals, and a party! He had the same image of his father as his older brother. He left to find liberty. His older brother stayed and served harder in order to find his freedom. In the end, neither could find what they were seeking.
When the elder brother refused to enter into the party, his father went outside and pleaded with him. The eldest accused his father of never giving him anything, not even a goat to “make merry” with his friends.
Why was this such a sin? Because the eldest brother had served his father all these years, while never transgressing even one of his commands. He was trying to gain by the works of the law.
The father looked at his son with love in his eyes and said, “Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours.” (Luke 15:31)
We are not told what was the eldest son’s response. But I like to think, that he realized, right there, that his father meant what he said. And, he then went inside to celebrate his brother’s return and plan his own party. He heard and believed, “We are inseparable and all that is my father’s is mine.”
By faith, we receive the same words today! Through Jesus, we are inseparable from the Father and His love. Everything He has is ours – according to His riches in glory by Christ. We can’t earn it – All we have to do is hear it.
Wednesday April 20th, 7pm: Nori Chesney, from London England will be our special guest. Nori will share on “How to be Led by the Holy Spirit”. Nori has seen the grace of Jesus carry her and her family through many amazing seasons of life.
Sunday April 24th, 9 am: John Klein, a member of our ACTS group who’s ministry takes him throughout Europe five months of the year, will be sharing “He Who Promised is Faithful”. This will be a service in which to have your faith increased in His faithfulness and His miracles.
Sunday, 10:20 am: Nations Prayer – Join us for thirty minutes of powerful Spirit filled prayer, intercession, declarations, and giving of thanks for the nations of the world. Jesus died so the nations could be free. Our prayers, are our part in His inheritance.
Sunday, 11 am: I will be sharing, “Living in the Freedom of the Holy Spirit Without Being Terrified”. The Holy Spirit has the advantage. He knows our future from our past, in Christ, before the foundation of the world. He has all of Christ’s winnings from the Resurrection to reveal and demonstrate. He is ALL powerful! He can move mountains! He is joyful, playful, giving, and liberating! He is freedom. And where He is Lord, He brings freedom. Sometimes that can be terrifying, while other times…electrifying! Both are freedom. This is because fear comes up to be felt, then delivered, not suppressed.