Things Pertaining to the Kingdom

Things Pertaining to the Kingdom

One of the first thing Jesus did after His resurrection was to “open their minds to understand the scriptures”. Kingdom believers receive daily life from the scriptures.
Encounter God Service

Encounter God Service

The presence of the Lord is rich, and His glory is resting in the sanctuary after our day of prayer. Here is when we worship, testify, and meet in small groups to receive all that the Lord has done for us. Psalm 126 – Online family are my small group at the end of...
Encounter God

Encounter God

Join us as we gather the miracles of the day of prayer, hear the testimony of what God has done, and share our hearts with one another in small groups. I will share with those online as my small group.
Wednesday Service

Wednesday Service

Join us as we worship, testify to the movement of the Holy Spirit during our prayers, and share in small groups what the Lord is saying in our bible reading.