Glory Conference

PLAN NOW TO ATTEND: SEPTEMBER 26th to 29th, 2018

When I think of glory I think of the face of Jesus–the very epicenter of God’s glory being shown. When I think of glory I think of transformation–where all authentic change takes place. When I think of glory I think of the day star rising and the dawning of a new age–the coming of Christ in glory. When I think of glory I think of you and me–His body appearing with Jesus in glory!

I would like to invite you to our fall conference, GLORY! It will take place September 26th – 29th, during Succot–Feast of Tabernacles. Join us as we come to enter into His glory; to behold the glory of God in the face of Jesus; to be transformed by His glory from glory to glory as we awaken to the dawning of a new day and become one with Christ inside His glory.

Rod and Julie Anderson (link to Bios) and their team from CCF London will partner with us again this year. Rod and Julie have pioneered the pursuit and beholding of His glory through prayer and His word. Their ministry is Spirit and truth. Their team is amazing! Over these last few years through our travels back and forth from London to Los Angeles, in our sharing Jesus, His word, worship, and our lives together, something amazing has happened: a highway of holiness has been built in the Spirit where no ravenous beast can go up on it, nor the unclean, where even a fool (if he finds his way to the road) will not go astray.

It is a safe place–a pathway of holiness–and a roadway for the redeemed to return. Return to where? To everything God planned in Christ and fulfilled n Christ, to which we have been joined in Christ. In our salvation we have grown, in wisdom from God, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption in Christ. Redemption is the last manifestation of Christ to be seen in us. Whether it be the redemption of our bodies, or of our journeys, redemption is our inheritance.

I believe that this year’s gathering will ignite joy and singing, and that sorrow and sighing of the past season shall flee away. I believe we shall obtain gladness and joy! In His glory we see! In His glory we are changed! In His glory we are home!

Maybe that’s what this year is about. Our homecoming! Can’t wait to see. We will save a seat for you!

Steve and Cammy

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