The heart is made to be filled. Fill it with His word and it will keep you.
Last week we began Jeremiah. In the first six chapters, the Lord has called Jeremiah to show Israel its departure from the covenant that the Lord had made. Departure through idolatry, which to God is adultery in the marriage covenant. Idolatry can be casual and the work of our hands. This would be anything we create to worship, seek help, or turn to in our time of need. The Lord’s call was simple and is repeated, I guess more than twenty times in the book of Jeremiah.
“You have forsaken Me. Here are the consequences of your actions. Return to Me, and I will reverse the consequences into blessing.” Jeremiah is the Lord’s Job, where He is appealing to His people who will not listen to His call. It is big, filled with love, forbearance, and hope.
This week, we finish John and enter into Acts. We read the first seven chapters of Hebrews, Leviticus 5-12, Psalms 32-37, and Jeremiah 9-14.
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John 17 – 21
We listen to Jesus bring His ministry to the Father and pray for us to: be sanctified in the truth; and to behold His glory and love that He has with the Father before the world was. This is a powerful prayer to pray in agreement with our Lord. Chapter 18 covers the arrest in the garden and the dialogue Pilate has with Jesus that completely undoes Pilate’s arrogance, even to his seeking Jesus’ release. Then comes the cross. Joseph and Nicodemus prepare Jesus for burial in Joseph’s tomb. Three days later, RESURRECTION! Mary is the first to see the Lord and Peter returns to the Lord who then calls Peter to follow Him.
Acts 1 – 2
Forty days of encounters with Jesus in the kingdom of God, 10 days of prayer, and PENTECOST!
Hebrews 1 – 7
God is speaking Jesus. Jesus is the great salvation, the Captain of our salvation who through death has destroyed the devil who had held the power of death, and has freed us from being enslaved through the fear of death. He is our Apostle and High Priest of our confession, and we are exhorted in Chapters 3 and 4 to soften our hearts to hear the Lord and obey. There is a rest for the people of God as we enter through the word of God in our High Priest Jesus. Chapter 5, Jesus has been made perfect and has become the author of eternal salvation now as Melchizedek, King of Righteousness. There is much to be shared but is hard to explain because of the laziness of those who should be teachers by now. Chapter 6 shares the elementary principles of Christ and maturity in Christ, with a call to faith and perseverance. Jesus our High Priest is our forerunner who has entered into the Presence behind the veil. Chapter 7 is a comparison of priesthood, promises, covenant, and the better hope. Therefore, Jesus is able to save us to the uttermost by His life of intercession over us. I love this chapter.
Leviticus 5 – 12
We finish the laws of offerings in Chapter 7. It can feel a bit overwhelming … all the details and specifics. Thank God that today we bring the sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to Jesus’ name. Much better. In chapters 8 and 9 we see Aaron and his sons consecrated into their priestly ministry, a practice run with Moses leading, then Aaron and his sons leading Israel. Chapter 10, tragedy hits. Two of Aaron’s sons take it upon themselves to offer profane fire to the Lord (meaning presumptuous, not called for by God) and die by fire that went out from the Lord. Read Chapter 10 slowly. Next week the Lord addresses what happened with instructions for the Day of Atonement in Chapter 16. Chapter 11 covers foods that are clean and unclean. Chapter 12, purification after childbirth.
Psalms 32 – 37
“Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven” (Ps. 32:1). “Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous!” (Ps 33:1). “I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth” (Ps 33:1). “Plead my cause, O Lord, with those who strive with me” (Ps. 35:1). “An oracle within my heart concerning the transgression of the wicked” (Ps 36:1). “Do not fret because of evildoers, nor be envious of the workers of iniquity” (Ps 37:1).
Jeremiah 9 – 14
The Lord continues to call out the severity of Israel’s actions while also calling for repentance and humility.
“Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches; but let who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, That I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight, says the Lord.” (Jeremiah 9:23, 24)
Idols, broken covenant, Jeremiah asking questions of the Lord. The Lord sends Jeremiah on a prophetic journey with props. In Chapter 14, Jeremiah pleads for the Lord to save them, the Lord addresses His people’s wandering and tells Jeremiah not to pray for the people, and Jeremiah’s eyes flow with tears night and day. Jeremiah is an intercessor who does not identify with the judgments but, like Jesus, is numbered with the transgressors; like Moses waiting for the Lord to take Israel as His inheritance even though they were a stiff-necked people.