If you love Him, you keep His word.
This week, we walk with Jesus on His last night of Passover. Here is an excellent place to listen to these chapters in John repeatedly, in their totality. Chapters 13-17 all record Jesus’ conversation with His disciples as they have Passover and then travel together to the Mount of Olives. James will bring us into sobriety as the Lord’s brother calls us into vibrant faith. In 2 Chronicles, we begin to watch the reigning of many kings in Judah.
WATCH That I May Know Him Week 47 PODCAST
John 13 – 19
Chapters 13 through 17 are my favorite chapters in John because on the evening He was betrayed, Jesus washes His disciples’ feet, along with those of His betrayer. He then cuts the covenant with them (including Judas) and gives His new commandment: “A new commandment I give to you that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another” (John 13:34).
In the next four chapters, Jesus shares truths concerning His departure, the place He was going to prepare for us—Himself. He shares the Holy Spirit’s ministry and all the benefits He will bring. He calls us to abide in Him and His words to abide in us as we abide in His love. Again and again, He is sharing the advantage of the Holy Spirit’s coming to them, giving them His joy and peace. In Chapter 17, Jesus turns to the Father and prays for all these things to be so. Like Paul often prays for revelation to be given to his audience, Jesus dedicates Himself to His mission of seeing the glory that was His from eternity now shared with us. These five chapters make for an excellent listen, in one setting, repeatedly.
In Chapter 18, Jesus is arrested and brought to Pilate. There He holds His good confession before Pontius Pilate (John 18:28-40; 19:1-16, 1 Timothy 6:13), perfectly undoing all authority yet the scriptures are being fulfilled. Then Jesus is crucified and declares that His sacrifice has been accepted, and this part of His life is finished.
Hebrews 13
We are called to brotherly love, remembering those imprisoned for Christ, holding the marriage bed in honor, and living without covetousness because the Lord has promised never to leave or forsake us. Our hearts are to be established by grace; even as we bear Christ’s reproach, we are to give the sacrifice of praise which is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to (confessing) His name.
James 1 – 5
James, the brother of Jesus and the Apostle of the Jerusalem church, gives us charges as we might imagine a brother of Jesus would. Like Malachi, James pulls no punches and calls things for what they are. We count all tribulation as an occasion for joy so that patience can have its perfect work and we can be made complete. The word of God is to be engrafted in our hearts. There is no room for personal favoritism which is based on social economic position and faith without corresponding actions is dead. Chapter 3 is all about our tongues and motives contrasting the wisdom from above to that which is earthly, sensual, and demonic. I told you—he doesn’t pull any punches.
Chapter 4 tells us how friendship with the world is like adultery and places us at enmity with God. Humility is the only way to appear in the sight of God. Judging brothers and boasting about tomorrow are forms of pride and evil. James calls us to patience until the coming of the Lord, and to fervent prayer, as Elijah demonstrated.
1 Peter 1
In 1 Peter 1, we see our inheritance reserved in heaven for us, even though we walk through trials on earth. We are kept by faith, and in believing we rejoice with joy inexpressible. The salvation, that prophets inquired about as prophesied, would come through the suffering of Christ and the glories that would follow. Angels desire to look into this salvation. Therefore, we are called to gird up the loins of our minds and rest our hope fully upon the grace that will be brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
2 Chronicles 13 – 21
We begin with Abijah setting a battle in order with 400 thousand warriors against Jeroboam’s 800 thousand mighty men of valor. The battle was against Judah until they cried out to the Lord and the priests sounded the trumpets and the army gave a shout, then God struck Jeroboam, and 500 thousand men of Israel were killed. Chapters 14 through 16 are the reign of Asa, a good king who sought the Lord but grew lazy in seeking the Lord in the end.
All kings prospered if they sought the Lord with their hearts. Asa’s son Jehoshaphat reigns after Asa’s death and does right in the sight of the Lord, seeking God. He makes mistakes but finds God each time because His heart is set on seeking the Lord. In Chapter 20, the famous battle occurs where Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir are defeated as Judah praises the Lord.
Jehoram, Jehoshaphat’s son, reigns after his death and does evil before the Lord. He receives a letter from Elijah declaring his sin and his death to come.