Faith grows with Thanksgiving

As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Colossians 2:6, 7

We have received Christ Jesus, the Lord, and now our dwelling place is inside Christ Jesus, the Lord. Picture yourself having heard the gospel and accepting the testimony of Christ Jesus the Lord. You immediately transferred out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of the Son of His love, into Christ. My whole identity has forever changed. No longer a son of disobedience, I am a son of light and not of this world.

I am inside Christ.

Now, I must learn to walk in Him. It is no longer I who live but Christ. My life is hidden with Christ in God, and I am learning to walk in Christ. He is the Shepherd, we are the sheep, He calls us by name, and we hear His voice, and He knows us, and we follow Him in Christ.

I walk in Christ.

As I practice this truth of INSIDE CHRIST walking in Him, I become rooted and built up in Him. I grow in faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God. I grow inside Christ. Christ is my life, and we are one; I am in Christ and He is in me.

Established in the Faith.

This practice of living inside Christ, walking inside Christ, being rooted and built up inside Christ, causes us to become established, solidified, and stabilized inside the faith of Jesus, as we have been taught. Practice makes perfect, and in the New Testament perfect means complete. Picture yourself becoming one in His life, His victory, His triumph, perfect in Christ, in Him in every way.

Now abound in it with Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is around the corner. Join me in making these next ten days, days of abounding in the faith with Thanksgiving. I am finding, again and again, that Thanksgiving is key to grow up in the faith. It is God’s supercharger where faith becomes established as I abound in the faith with Thanksgiving. Giving thanks is connected to answered prayer, fruitful giving, healing and deliverance. Thanksgiving is where our faith grows, matures, and produces a great harvest.

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