Given by Steve Dittmar:
We are so loved, valued and sought after by heaven. As transition comes, it’s so important to let go.
We know when we have really let go when we aren’t holding onto anything—and all tension and
strain are gone—they are released. Heaven will intervene on every projectile of accusation and bring
it into consolation.
The tenderness of heaven is here. Let’s get quiet with God right now. Let’s pray a prayer of humility to
disengage from control battles—to let go of the things we are trying to control. Let’s assume a posture
of humility.
Hell is trying to agitate souls to act beyond jurisdiction.
Only Father has the right to the future. And only Jesus has the right to intervene and call it into its
We are called to love, and we are called to be loved. We are called to live in liberty, and we are called
to release and give liberty.
Heavenly Father, I thank you for the joy of being right here. I ask you right now that there
would be grace by the heavenly angels to take off the burdens that have been yoked upon
us unwillingly or because we felt that we were responsible to carry it. In the name of the Lord
Jesus, let there be now the releasing of burdens, as we lay prostrate before our Living God.
Right now, we are releasing frustration…We are letting go of will battles, control issues, sense
of accusation, things that are tightening us up in our soul, panicking us, or causing fear. We are
just worshipping at the feet of God, Who holds our future, Who loves us dearly. His assignments
sometimes costs us a lot—but yet He is a God of great grace.
However, in humility we take this pose before God. It is most likely, more inside than it is outside.
Allow the Lord to grant you that grace to humble yourself by the mighty hand of God.
There is some really deep work going on right now. I am conscious that this is going to carry many of
us into our week, in our dialogue before God. Stay as long as you want here. I have been before the
Lord, laying on my face, every time I encounter Him.
So to grant grace for everybody’s day, I am going to just lead us in a simple prayer, a prayer of invitation:
Heavenly Father, I don’t know what I’m doing here. And I don’t know what you want from me right now.
I need You; I humble myself. There are things that I am sure are affecting my soul, that I do
not have a clear handle on. The wrath of man does not work Your righteousness.
So, I lay down my emotions. I lay down my will, my soul, my answers, my declarations, and I
trust myself to You—I worship You.
Please sort out my future. Please speak into my spirit. Restore my soul. Renew a right heart
within me. Restore to me the joy of my salvation. Establish my thoughts and order my steps.
For You are good and Your mercy endures forever.
I declare today, that You love Your body, Your entire church all over the globe. And, You have
reserved for Yourself a great remnant who love You, who worship You and have not bowed
their knee to the Baals of this land.
I am not important, but I am greatly loved. I am not unique, but I am a part of a company. And
I bless your family, and I bless the work of God. And I say Lord, bring us into the fullness of
Your heart’s dream in this hour, and heal me, restore me, renew me, refresh me, from Your
presence, and change my thinking, lead me in a new way, the way you’ve chosen.
In Jesus name. Amen.