Here are two ingredients that are sure to make your Thanksgiving a success!
When it comes to Thanksgiving it is a mixed bag of emotions, memories, hopes, dreams, disappointments, and more. For many it is more than family coming together. It’s history being revisited. Two truths that are promised to bring us clarity of thought and action are:
1) Glorifying God as God
2) Being thankful
In Romans 1:21, we are told “Because although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God nor were thankful but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.” From there the spiral of humanity just gets worse. Many years ago I discovered that if I would take the time to glorify God as God and become thankful that my thoughts became clear and my heart filled with light.
Glorify God as God means to make Him big in Himself. Take a moment and glorify Him as God. Magnify (make big) God, ascribe to Him His greatness, His attributes. The Lord doesn’t need this praise…we do. We are dependent children given everything we need in Jesus. When we ascribe to Him praise we are locating ourselves back into His triumph, which becomes again our triumph.
Being thankful is to shift from what we don’t have to what the Lord has provided, both in our lives now and in His promises to us. To be thankful in all things, we move to gratitude which opens us to grace again. We see the future in Christ, we see our present in His redemption, we see our failures and others, in His forgiveness. Thankfulness expressed soon shifts our feelings into joy and peace.
I am praying for all us to enter into the joy of our Lord, see clearly His graciousness in our lives, and the lives of our loved ones. This is to cause joy to be around our Thanksgiving table and love to fill our conversations.
Have a thankful Thanksgiving,
Upcoming Events
Sunday November 29, 9 am: Peety Escovedo will be ministering “Leaving yourself to follow Him.” Peety along with Beastmode and Father’s Heart are leading both services in worship, in celebration, prayer and ministry.
Sunday 10:20 am: Nations Prayer. We are starting a new focus called “5 minutes of humility” on either end of our 30 minutes of prayer. In these 5 minutes, I will lead us to position our hearts in faith and humility to receive the grace of rain, refreshing, and redemption. Please consider staying for the first five minutes (10:20 am) or coming early for the last five minutes (10:45 am) and help us “Humble ourselves and pray…”
Sunday 11 am: I will be sharing “The Father’s Affection for Us” In this Sunday being led by Beastmode and Father’s Heart, the theme of leaving ourselves to follow Him continues in this service. Jesus could leave all to follow, because He knew the Father had given Him all things, He knew His Father’s affection, He knew where He was going and from where He was coming. So can we.
Wednesday December 2, 7 pm: Larry Bingman, who has just returned from forty days of ministry in Thailand conducting “Doing the works of Jesus” schools of healing, will be sharing. Testimonies of healings, and prayers of impartation and miracles are promised. This will be an evening of power!