Remember our parents when they used to say something like this to get our attention, “Look at me, I need you to listen to me. Please, look at my eyes!” Why? Because we were somewhere else, “spacing out”, we used to say. So, to get our attention, they called us into engagement. To engage in prayer is to purposely move toward God. Whether in a public worship service, or private devotions, we begin to hear by being attentive. We engage with our mouths in praise, and declarations of the truth, and in our listening with our ears and eyes, at what we are seeing and hearing.
Engage: When I move toward the Lord, I purposely engage by using scriptures which let truth set my mind and emotions in agreement with God. I use my mouth to direct my thoughts. Whatever I say out loud, my mind will be quiet to listen. I choose to believe again what I am saying, making a conscious decision to accept truth as truth, rather than the facts of my emotions as truth. In short, I begin by using my soul to magnify the Lord and move myself toward God. I draw near.
Encounter: As I move toward the Lord, there comes a sense of the Lord, His voice, His scripture, His image, something that catches my attention, my emotion, and my spirit. This is the Lord moving toward me with truth, with Spirit, and with light. I am entering into an encounter. I move in response to what I am sensing, or hearing, or experiencing. For example, if I sense His joy, I go with that and “enjoy.” If I sense His truth, I move toward that truth further investigating, maybe going to the scripture, or to Holy Spirit as He brings to my remembrance what I have heard before. This response to His movement will build upon itself with more light, more truth, more joy, or peace or whatever of God is being revealed. I am having an encounter with God. He draws near.
Exchange: Somewhere in this encounter there will come an opportunity to make an exchange. I find that my despondency will be exchanged for true excitement, or my sorrow for His joy. I find that the Lord will do a complete make over of my soul, and situation. He is offering who HE IS, for who I find myself being. He gives joy for mourning, beauty for ashes, praise for heaviness, and double honor for shame. He gives in place of accusation His justification, in place of condemnation His glory. Where separation has invaded my union with God, through Christ, I can let go of the lie and live again in the truth. Inseparable Love—we are ONE.
Practicing these three simple truths will bring a rewarding prayer time, and make every service you attend an encounter with God. You will never leave a time set-for-God bored. Instead, you will blessed. Prayer will be rewarding because Holy Spirit will be given to your and received. It won’t be about who is speaking at church that matters because you are always listening to God; and He is always talking. He is always moving. He is always ready to be encountered.
Wednesday June 15, 7 pm: I will facilitate “Rewarding Prayer”. I will lead seven practice session of engaging the Lord into encounters and exchange. These 5 minute exercises will give you the tools and confidence to experience
the Lord anytime – every time. Whether in private or public, you will be on your way to rewarding prayer.
Sunday June 19, 9 am: Mack McCoy will be sharing “Father’s Day Special”. How one sets the stage for an amazing “Fathers Day,” Mothers Day and Happy Family Day!
Sunday, 10:20: Nations Prayer – Praying intentionally and effectively for the Nations is our calling and honor. Help us shape the world’s response through prayer, calling upon the Lord to complete what He has promised. All the nations will come to the desire of all nations – Jesus.
Sunday, 11 am: I will share “Our Father’s Love”. Father has demonstrated His love in giving us Jesus. He has given, for us to receive. When we become good receivers then we can become good givers. We love because our Father first loved us. This Father’s day is a day to receive our Father’s love.