Fall arrives this coming Monday, September 23rd, and with it, the last three of the seven “Feasts of the Lord” that were given to Moses (see Leviticus 23). We are familiar with the first four in Christ’s fulfilment: Passover, The Feast of Unleavened Bread, The Feast of Firstfruits, and The Feast of Weeks (or “Pentecost”). We see that Christ became our Passover Lamb and was raised from the dead as the firstborn among many brethren (or “Firstfruits”). With The Feast of Unleavened Bread, we keep the Feast with sincerity and truth as we journey with Christ in sanctification (see 1 Corinthians 5:7, 8). And with Pentecost, where the harvest began at The Feast of Weeks, we all know what happened there: The Holy Spirit was given in power to witness the resurrected Jesus as both Christ and Lord!
Now, with the final 3 Feasts: The Feast of Trumpets (“Rosh Hashanah”), The Day of Atonement (“Yom Kippur”), and The Feast of Tabernacles (“Sukkot”), yes, they have been fulfilled in Christ, but not yet fully demonstrated in His Body. Today, people continue to be saved, delivered, sanctified, and filled with the Spirit. So, too, the Fall Feasts find their fulfillment in Christ and can be experienced in Christ today. Over the next three weeks, we will look at each Feast more closely in Christ, but for today, here is a brief overview:
Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets), September 30th.
Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year and the awakening of the Church! It is the time of judgement, not punishment. It’s a time when our oil supply is measured in our ability to trim our lamps to meet the Bridegroom (see Matthew 25:1-13); a time of passing under the “Shepherd’s rod” (see Jeremiah 33:13); and a time of new beginnings as the old season passes and the new season begins.
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), October 9th.
Yom Kippur is the time when our conscience gets purged from dead works and sin through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. As administered by our High Priest, Jesus Christ, we rise in maturity to serve the living God. No longer children or slaves, we have matured as sons, and become joint heirs with Jesus Christ. Christ, as our High Priest, saves us to the uttermost through His intercession (see Hebrews 7:11-28; 8:1-8; 9:11-15; 10:1-4, 19-23).
Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles), October 14th-21st.
Sukkot is a seven-day feast, like Unleavened Bread, with an eighth day added known as the “Great Day of the Feast”, when Jesus promised the Holy Spirit (see John 7:37-39). It is also called the “Feast of Ingathering” where the end of the harvest is celebrated and brought before the Lord. It is the most joyous and celebrated Feast of the seven, where Jesus has fulfilled all His promises as Lord over our lives, completed the harvest, and brought us into our inheritance because He is Lord! (see Hosea 12:9).
Our Holy Spirit Conference coming October 16th-19th will take place during this joyful and completing Feast! Jesus, the fulfillment of all promise, is Lord over our lives! Come expectant in Christ!