During the Passion Week (Palm Sunday to Easter), which this year coincides with Passover (Tuesday to Tuesday), we can experience Jesus, as He walked in the steps of His Father. Here are five powerful encounters waiting for us.
- Experience Jesus as He cleanses the Temple restoring prayer, power and praise. Imagine Jesus coming in to the Temple disrupting sales, restoring focus, and reigning in His Father’s house. Heaven came to earth and Heaven took over the Father’s House. We are our Father’s house.
- Experience Jesus sitting for a meal, with Martha serving Lazarus sitting, and Mary worshipping prophetically. See the peace union and harmony. Witness the offense, as Mary wastes her wealth on Jesus, pouring out her alabaster jar of oil. Experience Jesus defending Mary and commending her for her gift declaring it a memorial forever. Jesus is worth it all.
- Experience Jesus as He confronts religious hypocrisy while His authority is challenged. Jesus is standing in the Temple being questioned, examined as the Passover Lamb, without fault or blemish. See Jesus undo arguments, redirect questions, and disrupt man’s accomplishments. Then, silence. No more questions. His authority stands.
- Experience Jesus, in the Upper Room with His disciples, celebrating Passover. Watch as Jesus rises, taking the robe of the servant and washing the disciples feet, Judas’ feet, then Peter’s feet. Peter says, “No”. Then says, “more”. Peter is confused. “Who will betray You? Why can’t I follow You? I will never deny You!” Peter is really confused.
- Experience Jesus as He walks with His disciples from the Upper Room down the hillside to Gethsemane. (John14-17) Listen as He promises to come again and receive them into His Father’s house, His many mansions. The Holy Spirit is coming. All shall be well—no, better! It will be like a mother who has birthed a child. The travail will be forgotten and joy will come! Listen as Jesus completes His mission surrendering His will to Father’s sovereignty. Being in agony, He prays more earnestly. The disciples sleep, overwhelmed by sorrow. Jesus, by Himself, must purge our sins.
It’s Friday but Sunday is coming!!!