Jesus said, “Abide in Me and I in you.” Then in the same verse explained why this was of utmost importance. “As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.” John 15:4. We must stay connected to Jesus, or more accurately, we must stay inside Jesus, abiding in Jesus, living life from our relationship in Jesus.
Jesus is our justification, through what He accomplished by Himself. And, it was given to us when we believed the Father raised Him from the dead. Jesus is our immediate access into the presence of God behind the veil, having gone there before us, for us. Jesus is everything. Without Him there is no place in God, in His glory, in our future.
Learning to abide in Jesus is our submission to His accomplishment, His provision, and His life. It is our submission to Jesus. Jesus is the most loving, lowly, humble, meek, and gentle man we will ever know. Abiding in Jesus takes practice. That’s why He told us to take His yoke upon us and learn of Him.
Would you like to learn how to lead others in an abundant abiding relationship with Jesus? This Wednesday, I will begin a 4 week training for leaders of Mansions. It will be from 6pm to 6:50 pm, in the Sanctuary. It will be live streamed and also on-demand. You need to register, so I can send you materials to help you become an awesome abider and disciple-maker. We learn more when we teach then when we are taught.