A year of “forced rest.” Before you rise up in arms that this is man’s doing. I agree. Overreach, fear, control, accusations, and division like I have never seen before. But even so, the Lord has all things in His hands, and has set this year to stop, and enter into a Sabbath rest for the land.
We had an unexpected service inside our building on Sunday due to high winds. The Lord has set March 28th, Passover/Palm Sunday, as the day for the new Jubilee to enter the building. After many sovereign signs, the picture of the Sabbath rest for the land (Leviticus 25) emerged as His word to us.
While I was ministering on Sunday, the Lord spoke to Cammy, “There are some who have not yet entered into my rest, but there is still time.” I am sure we all can attest to restarting life over this last year, only to be frustrated with the outcome. Rest is not the absence of work, but the absence of striving. I have worked harder this previous year, navigating all the twists and turns; but at rest. I have learned to let go and let God.
Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! (Psalm 46:10, NKJV)
Here are five things found in Hebrews 4 to do to enter into His rest:
- Cease from our works. Ceasing from internal striving, we let go of strife and fear of the future.
- Enter through His word. The word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than a two-edged sword. It pierces the separation of soul and spirit, outer man and inner man (joints and marrow), and discerns our heart’s thoughts and intentions. The word forces us into the rest of God because it separates us from our internal strivings.
- Be honest with God. When I become aware of my deficiency, I want to become the source of sufficiency. But God desires that place, and God is the only one to fill our weaknesses with His grace. An honest heart never goes unrewarded.
- See Jesus, our great High Priest, who has passed through the heavens, and hold fast our confession. He is merciful and faithful and can sympathize with our weakness.
- Receive mercy and find new grace. The throne of grace is our place where we receive mercy and fresh grace to surround us in this time of opportunity.