Christmas can be overwhelming, it can be exhausting, it can be many things. To make your Christmas more merry, try these simple truths for your merry enjoyment.
1) Remember, it’s not your birthday. Christmas is not about you. Yes, you are going to engage in many, or few activities, some you like and some you don’t. Keep in mind that this day is about Christ, and be a carrier of His light and love, and the day will be merry and bright.
2) Rejoice in His birthday. Joy is plentiful, if we take the time to rejoice in His birth and all that He has brought us in His death and resurrection. To re-joy (rejoice) is to take hold of joy again. In other words, there is still plenty of joy in His birth, ready to be rejoiced too.
3) Be thankful for all things. Yes. Christmas has its moments. There can be selfishness, hurts revisited, demanding schedules, and annoying in-laws. But, if you give thanks for all these things, something wonderful happens. You will see the good in all that is bad and wrong. You will see Jesus’ redemption as larger than everything else, and you will be thankful.
4) Take a moment for yourself. It’s important to steal away time for yourself. Sit and be quite, or take a walk by yourself. This way you can converse with the Lord, process emotions, and redirect faith. Centering again into the joy of your Lord.
5) Behold His beauty in the midst of chaos. Yes, the day can be out of control. But even so, there is beauty to behold if we can step out of the responsibility to control and bring order. Yes, the dinner is late. But so what? There are active, engaged conversations happening. Maybe a little to political for your likening, but “Hey, everyone is talking.” The ability to see beauty in the midst of chaos is an attribute of God, who sees beauty in our chaos all the time.
Wednesday December 23, 7 pm: Two Days Before Christmas – What Might Have Been Happening? I have asked four ministers (Two from our School of Leadership and two from active ministries in our house. Cathy McCoy, DeLynn Buonvicino, Russell Jokela, and Jordan Lee will share what they have seen and heard, as they asked the Lord what might have been happening two days before Christmas. I am looking forward to this evening immensely.
Thursday December 24, 5 pm: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. My favorite service of the year! One hour filled with worship, adoration, and good tidings of great joy. We conclude with candle lighting in the parking lot, as we sing Christmas carols. So, bring your winter coats. If it’s raining, we will light our candles in the Sanctuary.
Sunday December 27, 9 am: Brian Rogers will be sharing “The Word Became Flesh”. In the beginning the Word became flesh and dwelt with man. Now His Word in us continues to effect the world as we dwell with Him in our flesh.
Sunday, 10:20: Nations Prayer. Join us as we pray for the Nations of the World, our Nation, and our State. We begin the first five minutes with the prayer of humility and the last five minutes (10:45 am) with, humbling ourselves under the mighty hand of God to find grace for out time of need, and rain for our State.
Sunday, 11 am: I will be sharing “Do You Hear What I Hear?” Elisha heard the sound of the abundance of rain, the disciples heard the sound of a mighty rushing wind. I hear the sound of joy and gladness, and the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride. What are your hearing? We live in two worlds, the natural and the spiritual, the seen and the unseen, the temporal and the eternal. Time to pause and listen to what the Spirit is saying to His church. I am excited about this service.