Jesus appearance is today, yesterday, and tomorrow. He is and was, and is to come. He is alive, was dead and behold He is alive forevermore. We recognize His first appearance (sort of – I am still getting my heard around what was accomplished) when He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. We know He will appear a second time (this one is even more challenging to my head) apart from sin for salvation to those who eagerly await for Him.
His now appearance is the most radical of all because it in the presence of God for us. Today Jesus completed, resurrected, Kind of kings, our righteousness, sanctification and redemption is appearing in the presence of God for us, and He invites us to appear with Him in Him and become in Him all He has done
In this message we open the door into Jesus who is now appearing..
Upcoming Events
Sunday July 12, 2015, 9:00 am: Steve and Shirley Quon, leaders of Restoration ministries will be sharing on “Bragging on God”. The exploits of all that Jesus has accomplished for us and all that He is doing in us. They have just returned from Thailand.
Sunday 10:20 am: Nations Prayer – Why do the nations rage and the kings of the set themselves against the Lord? Because they haven’t heard, haven’t submitted, haven’t kiss the Son but are ravaged by sin, separation like Babel they are building in competition with God. But the Lord has declared a decree “The Lord said to Me You are my Son, Today I have begotten You. Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations for Your inheritance,” Join us in this prayer of inheritance.
Sunday 11 am: I will be sharing “The Fullness of Christ that Fills Everything.” The wonderful work of Christ celebrated in heaven yet to be seen on earth is our inheritance today. We become as we behold and believe. This moment in time the Lord is making it His goal that we see Jesus now appearing in the presence of Him for us. Find out what we have been missing.