Wow! What a week! The election is past but not over. Biden claims victory, Trump unwilling to concede, and now it is for the courts to decide. But, God. Now I understand better why the Lord charged me in a dream four weeks ago, “Shout grace to President Trump!” Grace is the kingdom force of salvation through faith given to us in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is Lord and never changes. His kingdom has no end, and He holds all authority in all things. The Spirit speaks from this truth of sovereign reign. His commands come out of eternity and are not subject to the dictates of man. When He speaks, we submit, agree, and declare the decree He is saying to us. “Grace to President Trump,” continues to be my declaration over President Trump because God has not said differently. The Great Awakening has begun, and it will manifest in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ to the glory of God the Father.
Walking by faith and not by sight means we do not focus on outcomes. We declare His decrees. When the shaking comes to us, we have moved from the decree to an expected result. When the shaking comes to me, I return myself to this decree, the foundation of all decrees, “Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:11, NKJV).
With His word, we ally with heaven, and do not force an outcome on earth. The truth will make us free, and freedom is why Jesus came. Fluidity is the wind of the Spirit. What has God said to you? Worship Him with those words. The most important thing that we speak to Him, is what He has told us. Our confession of hope we hold firm because He is faithful who promised. Let’s keep our worship in His words to us. If things shake, move further into Christ and His kingdom, where there is no shaking.
Last Monday, I wrote in the Secret Place to be released on Tuesday morning, November 3rd:
While the votes are being counted, let’s declare the glorious kingdom of God reigning in America! His righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit! Let us prophesy peace in our nation, healing to our land, love toward our fellow man, and the third great awakening beginning now. Let’s declare that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Amen.