Jesus was able to endure through joy. Joy is our strength in testings; and Jesus joy is ours to keep. When Jesus was preparing His disciples for His departure, He told of His leaving as a cause of sorrow, but that their sorrow would be turned into joy. He then made a promises that is now fulfilled.
“Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you”. John 16:22
When Jesus said, “l will see you again” He meant that He would appear to us again. His resurrection would bring Himself to us. And in His appearing, we would rejoice with joy that no one could take away. Why? Because it is resurrection joy! Jesus joy! Joy in His victory—His triumph!
When we see Jesus, we enter into the joy that was set before Jesus. The very joy that gave Him the strength to endure even the cross. Joy that is compared to a mother having given birth and now holding her child for the first time.
Take a moment and imagine Jesus appearing to you. With Him comes His joy. You rejoice. It is Joy unspeakable and filled with glory. Allow His joy to penetrate your entire being, knowing that His joy can never be taken from you. Imbibe His joy as you drink from the well of salvation. His joy is your joy. It is as inseparable as His love is from you. Gaze with eyes wide open until you are fully satisfied in His joy. This is Jesus, this is Jesus joy!