Joy is powerful! The joy of the Lord is our strength. We are charged to rejoice always, and if so charged, we must be able to rejoice always. If God was to ask us to do what we cannot access on command, that would be cruel. But, we can access joy because joy is in His presence. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit, and joy is one of the three dimensions of His kingdom
Joy comes with faith and increases with testings. Joy comes in the morning. And, it is the anointing oil to turn our mourning into joy. Joy begins with a choice and then grows with our use. The more we re-joy (rejoice) the easier it is to find His joy.
Jesus gave us His joy just as He gave us His peace and His righteousness.
The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:17)
When we rejoice, we are actually stepping into the kingdom of God in the Holy Spirit. Joy comes and strengthens our inner man, where Christ dwells, in our heart, by faith. Joy is contagious!
I believe there is no limit to the joy of the Lord and His strength. It all begins with a choice – push the joy button and activate His joy. Then, with joy, draw water from the wells of salvation.