The story of Elisha the prophet and Jehoram king of Israel, as they endured a siege of the city of Samaria by Ben-Hadad king of Syria.

The voice of God brought the victory in junction with honesty. Honesty brings help, honor brings favor. Hope is held in fellowship with God, and not through reasoning and worry. Hope is not subject to our efforts and does not pass away with our unbelief. Honesty without accusation opens the door for Holy Spirit’s action. When God acts, it is beyond our wildest dreams and imagination.

Upcoming Events

Sunday August 30, 9:00am: Larry Bingman and the team that has come back from Thailand will minister, “Go Do My Works” – Jesus.

JESUS promised – “You believe and go – I will be with you and work through you”.

There will be ministry, with the of laying on of hands, to impart this anointing and then to heal the sick, oppressed, and downtrodden among us.

Sunday 10:20am: Jesus said we will reign with Him as priests on the earth. Prayer is the foundation of all reigning, because it brings God into our world view and our lives into His victory. Agreement on earth brings action from heaven.

Sunday 11 am: I will be sharing on “Joseph’s Calling Up!” The two forgotten years, and what happen next. This powerful picture of the Lord’s perfection in what He does in and through us will come to life in the story of Joseph. What happened to Joseph during those last two years in prison, where he sat forgotten by man but ministered to by God? Everything! Change of circumstances, change of garments, change of outcomes, change of attitudes, change of vocation, promotion, and prominence all came to Joseph during those two forgotten years.

Grace and shalom,

Steve Dittmar

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