One hundred and fifty Psalms—Last Saturday, January 8th, at the Men’s INHERITANCE, we began our advance in praise by declaring the first five Psalms together. On Sunday, we declared the first ten Psalms! Monday was Psalms 11-15, and today, Tuesday Psalms 16-20. Our goal is to declare five Psalms each day for thirty days as we advance in praise.
The Lord spoke, in my heart, that He wanted us to see Him in the Psalms and receive His mercies. All scripture testifies of Jesus Christ and is meant to cause us to come to Him for healing and life. Reading aloud the Psalms, with our heart receiving the truth of Jesus, will activate faith!
Today, Tuesday, January 11th, we declare aloud Psalms 16-20. On Wednesday night, we plan to worship with the first twenty-five Psalms read aloud together to bring us all together in our journey. Join us in the sanctuary or online and advance with us as we praise the beauty of holiness and see the Lord’s salvation—the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ into eternal life.
To watch the INHERITANCE Men’s Gathering and the vision shared of the Psalms, please click here.