The Holy Spirit reveals Christ in us, and demonstrates Christ through us. He is always active and bringing forth life—Living waters that spring up and rivers that flow out. Contending for His ministry, longing for His water, thirsty, and believing, we come. Jesus promises us so much more. In this service we received again, both the fountain springing up and the river flowing out, both His revelation and demonstration, through impartation. It was good.

Upcoming Events

Sunday November 1, 9 am: I will be sharing “Arise and Build—Becoming Alive, as His House”. This is the beginning of a new series that I have been meditating on for over a year. On the way back from Israel, I was given the permission to begin. For the next two months we will look together at the house Jesus has built. How we the living body of Christ are to grow up into Him in all things, being built together as a holy habitation for God. What does community look like in challenging times? What does love look like? How can we grow up into Him in all things?

Sunday 10:20 am: Prayer for the Nations – Join us as we lift up our voices in prayer and praise. Thirty minutes of sincere, intense, and at times hilarious prayer.

Sunday 11 am: I will share “The Vision of a Restored Nation and Fruitful People”. This is the second part to the” Arise and Build” message from the 9 am service. It is meant to give vision to what the Lord is doing in this hour. He has called for restoration of all things before He returns. What would that look like to you? I have been waiting for 16 months to begin this discussion.

New!: Wednesday 6 pm series starts this week!

Wednesday November 4, 6 pm: “Builders Series”—Building community in challenging times. This five-week series in Nehemiah will open imagination and give faith to become a people of purpose, power, and love!

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