God is sovereign and is bringing the returning of His sons and daughters. He is able to perform His promises. He is able to gather what has been scattered and revive what has died. Not Zombies, but resurrected sons and daughters walking in abundant life, celebrating salvation, healing and deliverance in Jesus Christ!
Are we ready? In the last seven months of prayer for the returning, the prayers have become praise and thanksgiving. The promises in His word too numerous to cover. His power presents touching hearts, calling for repentance and bringing forgiveness. I see the Lord, high and lifted up, His train of His robe is filling His temple.
Prayer is changing. We are praying for ourselves to yield to His coming, to be ready to receive who He is gathering. Revival is life from the dead, not Zombies but resurrected sons and daughters. With revival comes displacement of the old as life swallows up death. With revival comes challenges to traditions as mercy takes center stage. With revival comes Jesus.
Jesus is coming, are we ready to receive Him? Welcome all He brings, who He brings, how He brings?
I want to say yes, but in prayer I know I am not ready. He must increase, I must decrease. Jesus is first. Prayer is helping me yield to His coming. I pray it is the same for all of us.
Here are ways to yield:
- Read our bible together, click here.
- Join a prayer watch, click here.
- Register for Returning, click here.
- Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks!