We are in day two of Sukkot, with six more to follow. The Lord commanded Israel to rejoice in this feast because it was the ingathering of the harvest, and in remembrance of the Lord making them dwell in booths /tents after He took them out of the land of Egypt. Forty years later, He brought them into the Promise Land.
But who would want to rejoice in a desert?
The Feast of Rejoicing is faith in transition, faith in God, faith in His ability to complete what He has promised. On Sunday, the Holy Spirit came in a fresh outpouring, At the end of the service, after everyone had been prayed for and everyone had prayed for one another, joy, gladness, and new strength could be felt in the atmosphere and in the hearts of His people.
The word of the Lord then came for us to spend every day this week, receiving from the Lord. During this feast, we were to exchange old hope for new hope, and to rejoice before the Lord, that there was a great exchange taking place. The joy of the Lord is our strength. We are to rejoice before the Lord. Our circumstances are not where joy comes from. Joy is the fruit of the Spirit, the atmosphere of heaven, joy comes from the Lord!
I believe that as we receive the NEW each day, that when we gather for “Returning”, Friday at 6:00 pm, we will experience His power, His love, and His great exchange. I have over twenty ministers who have been praying together weekly to share and impart the Lord’s promises and power.
To receive the fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit from last Sunday, click here
For more information and to register for Returning, click here