“As he journeyed he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven. Then he fell to the ground…” (Acts 9:3-4a)
“Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you came, has sent me that you may receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and he received his sight at once; and he arose and was baptized.”(Acts 9:17-18)
Jesus is here right now, standing beside and inside of each of us. Holy Spirit is going to demonstrate Himself with power. Jesus is going to reveal Himself through His name and there is going to be a breaking off of mindsets that are totally not God—lies that have filtered themselves around us.
Like Paul, it may come like a blast of light that blinds you or like a dawning of light in the morning. It doesn’t matter…He’s here—He’s here for you. YOU are the most precious person to Him right now! In His passion and compassion, He’s come, and is quickening, awakening, revealing, healing, delivering—you—to Himself, from the very core of your being. Not from the outside—not of new rules or regulations…It’s inside—out!
Our Prayer:
Father, in the name of Jesus, I stand here and do what You’ve asked me to do. I see You standing outside and inside. I see you with a light that begins to shine and the glory of God that begins to awaken.
My declaration over you:
I declare and decree that the light of the glory of the knowledge of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ, shine upon each and every one of us. Hear, see, receive—See the light of His glory of His countenance, the light of His gospel, the light of the face of Jesus Christ, the glory of God, be seen, in the name of Jesus. Everyone—not one person left out, or bound and kept in captivity of any sort.
I declare and decree now: Spirit of the living God, Who comes with demonstration of Himself to glorify Christ, and power to complete the assignment, sweep over and sweep within, and rise up and envelop and fill everyone, in the name of our Lord, Jesus.
In Jesus name, Holy Spirit…come, come now… Jesus, reveal Yourself.
Word from the Lord:
I’ll let you all go free from your religious pursuits— if you’ll let Me. Ha, ha, ha. Too many of your assignments have been driven to religion, and they’re to be broken off of you today.
Why tarry yourself? Let me give you thoughts you’ve never thought. Let me show you things you’ve never seen. Let me introduce ideas you’ve never conceived of.
Do not be offended that I might stand in your way. Ha, ha, ha. I’m standing in your way to gain your attention. Now, I’ve come to liberate you from detention. You’re out of this place. Out of this place. You’re not to be a prisoner any longer. I have come for you. You are precious to me. I purchased you. You are Mine, and I will not have you under the slavery of another.
Now, follow Me son; follow Me daughter. Follow Me out of the captivity—into My glorious liberty—into My glorious liberty!
It is a liberty that is not religious; and it is a liberty that’s not rebellious. It’s a liberty that is My righteousness.
And here you are and here I am…And today, I make all things new!
Praise Him! Praise Jesus right now! Jesus is doing a great work in YOU!
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, June 3, 7PM: Men and Women’s “Saved Your Seat” Discovery Groups. Come join us as we incorporate truths into our own lives. Men’s Facilitator: Ps Brian – Women’s Facilitator: Ps Becky.
Wednesday, June 4, 6PM and 7PM: Discovery Group – Jonathan and Sharon Ngai will share with us at the 6PM and 7PM services. They are founders of Radiance International Ministries, an apostolic center in Hollywood. Besides being a hub and training center for creative expression through Music, Film, Media, Production, and Art – it is also a womb for campus awakening, works of justice and compassion. Their vision is to see a generation rise up together to see Jesus exalted and broadcast through every possible platform into the nations of the earth.
Thursday, June 5, 10AM: Women’s Bible Study will present “The Book of Ephesians” taught by Carolyn Chang.
Thursday, 7PM: “School of the Evangelists”. This will be the final night of the school. Come join us and be equipped to do the “Works of Jesus”.
Sunday, June 8, 9AM: Gino will share “Faith is as Faith Does”
Sunday, 10:20AM: Strategic Prayer for the Nations. We have entered into a season of inheritance joining with the Jesus prayer over the nations. Join us in the truly world changing event as we pray over the nations, our nation and ourselves.
Sunday, 11AM: I will share, “The Liberty of Christ!” What it looks like and how it comes! Come and receive His freedom.