This weekend, there are three important things happening besides our services.
There is our Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, 9-12 pm. Cost is $10.00.
Our Women’s Retreat to the Queen Mary on September 30th – October 2nd. Registration and deposit are due this Sunday.
The registration and deposit is now due, for our ministry trip to London, which will be August 8th – 17th, to minister at CHOSEN. There will be a meeting at 1 pm, in Room 7 for the London trip.
Jesus Christ continues in His resurrection, as Apostle and High Priest of our confession. His High Priestly role, in the likeness of Melchizedek, is according to the power of an endless life. Endless means indissoluble, and so Jesus life is indissoluble. Which means that we are forever secured our place in Christ, before the Father. He now appears in the presence of God for us and is able to save us to the uttermost, because He always lives to make intercession for us.
We can’t lose with Jesus, as our high priest, standing in His completed work as the first born of many brethren. We are being conformed into His image. Jesus holds our place before the Father, and the Holy Spirit continues with us here.
The life Jesus has been given is ours to discover. It’s not a burden, an obligation, or a duty. It is really a delight. We are not earning this place, we have been given this place. So yes, there is learning involved. Learning what we have been given, and not earning it.
So we abide in Christ, His words abiding in us. As we do, all that Jesus has accomplished becomes evident to us. First, in discovery in His word, His Spirit, His love and then as a place of identity and enjoyment in abiding.
We bring no greater satisfaction to our Father than when we learn to agree with, and rest in, His victory, in our union with Christ. We rest in His triumph and we abide in the resurrected Christ, our high priest. We abide in His presence, in His promises, and in His glory. This is the power of an endless life. So much is yet to be discovered.
Wednesday March 30, 7 pm: I will be sharing “Experiencing God Inside of Scripture”. Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life and no one comes to the Father but through Him. His word is truth, and so we can touch the living God through His living scriptures. We can experience God beyond our circumstances, our traditions, and our ability to “do”. In fact, experience is the entrance of knowing. This will be practical and hands on.
Sunday, April 3, 9 am: Becky will share on “Hearing to Gain Wisdom”.
Sunday, 10:20 am: Nations Prayer – Join us for 30 minutes of dynamic prayer for the nations. Today, more than ever, it is vital to pray for all men, especially for those in authority, that we might lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.
Sunday, 11 am: I will be sharing “Why the Holy Spirit is Key for this Hour”. Jesus is our authority and the Holy Spirit is our power. Today, we are rediscovering the fullness of Christ’ authority and the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Like a child being shown by his father the greatness of his inheritance, we come with eyes wide open, and expectant in faith.