The travail of creation, the church, and the Holy Spirit are growing into a crescendo of hope. Hope to be realized and seen. Hope not yet seen, but coming quickly. Our weakness His ability. Our infirmity, His helping together with us, making intercession for us.

We are never too old or young for an upgrade of hope.



Earlier this year, following the leading of the Holy Spirit, The Beastmode Ministry decided that a Summer Conference was necessary to seek out the heart of God in a new way. This conference was held in July, 2015. The result has been a refreshing breath of new life, an opened and ready spirit, and a unified worship, which has been increasing since the first night of this conference. Scripturally, the Lord has saturated a person, or a body of people, as a reference point of ignition—a starting point.

The living water that He pours into us is to be a river of living water that pours out of us.

“He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” John 7:38

Our expectation is to show up, to be the John 7:38 rivers, this Sunday.

His investment has filled us. Now, we will invest the fresh word of the Holy Spirit over the congregation.

Just as the church in Acts began gaining momentum, and became a landmark through unification, we are here to live in one accord in the Spirit of God.

The breakthrough for deeper access into God’s Heart begins here in this unification through open worship, declaration, impartation, prayer, and prophecy. Come this Sunday, with expectancy, the hope and faith for God to show up for you. We are actively chasing the heart of God and will be releasing the refreshing of His love.

Upcoming Events

Sunday August 9, 2015, 9:00 am: Noelle Escovedo will be sharing.

Sunday 10:20 am: Nations Prayer – Intercession and giving of thanks is our charge for all men especially those who are rulers. Join us for thirty minutes of prayer for the nations, our nations, and whatever the Holy Spirit is stirring. Everyone is welcome.

Sunday 11 am: Peety Escovedo will be sharing.


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