Learning to experience God is a lot easier than you may think. We are made in His image and have been born again into Christ’s image. So, we are already wired to experience His presence. First in creation and in now even more in our redemption.
His Love Letter to Us
We have all had a moment when we reread a letter, from someone that we love, sent years before. Maybe from a child, spouse or parent, we find the letter and reread it. Memories and feelings flood our soul as we read again this letter of love. We experience their presence again from the place in time when it was written. And if we pause and reflect, we can enjoy again this moment of love and intimacy. The same is true with God’s love letter to us.
Take a portion of scripture where you had an experience with God before. It can be a message you heard, a devotion you read, a passage or chapter by which you were touched. Go there again. As you read, read the words slowly, allowing the Holy Spirit to renew the experience. This experience brings His presence and soon becomes a “now” experience of Himself.
My Composition Concerning the King
Psalm 45 is a powerful example of how we can begin with our own description of our Lord and soon enter into the experience of it. The Psalmist begins by saying “You are fairer than the sons of men; Grace is poured upon Your lips; Therefore God has blessed You forever.” Psalm 45:2, but soon He is declaring things to come and exhorting others to abandon all to follow the King.
When we take time to use descriptive words to describe our King’s emotions, imagery begins to fill our words and God comes with His presence. Soon we are going beyond what we have known, into what we have not known. We prophecy and speak by revelation, and like the Shulamite, we all of sudden know exactly where the Lord is. He is here! We have recited our composition concerning our King and now we stand in His presence.
Reading aloud His love letter, and reciting our own composition concerning our King, will cause us to enter into His present presence. There we will find joy peace and pleasure for ever more. His presence really is everything.