“When wisdom enters your heart, and knowledge is pleasant to your soul, discretion will preserve you; understanding will keep you.” (Proverbs 2:10, 11)
Dear Beloved of the Lord,
Wisdom is the grace to know what to do, discernment is the grace to know how to do, and discretion is the grace to know what you can do. What to do, how to do, and what you can do; wisdom, discernment and discretion.
Understanding and knowledge establish and fill wisdom, discernment, and discretion. In other words they enrich our lives within the gifts. They make fat what can be lean without them, and give us residing grace to walk in wisdom, discernment, and discretion.
It has been said that, “Discretion is the greater part of valor.” What can be done, will dictate how wisdom and discernment are exercised. To be able to recognize all the factors that are in play, before we rush into battle to save and deliver, is huge. You can have the answer, and know what to do, but if no one is asking the question or wants to change, then discretion must be consulted.
Wisdom, discernment, and discretion are gifts/graces from heaven and therefore are to be asked for and received. This week lift up your eyes toward heaven, ask and receive wisdom, discernment and discretion. Thank God for these graces is your life, search the scriptures for their promises, and enter into His rest which is the fruit of all these.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, October 23:
6pm: “Seeing and Hearing” session. You are invited into the new season of learning the ways of God on the earth and then practicing together what we are seeing and hearing.
7pm: “Realms of Glory” session. The invasion of heaven into our realities. This is a time of discovering the Greater One who lives inside. We are in a divine atmospheric shift from warfare to rest.
Saturday, October 26, 10-4pm: Jubilee Women’s Day—His Sovereign Love. Come and discover how great is His love toward you, and how vast is His reach. His love never fails. Register now (click here). The day includes lunch.
Sunday, October 27:
9am: I will be sharing “Invasion of Eternity into Reality—What it Looks like, What it Feels Like.” I am excited to be able to share what the Lord has initiated within our body, times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord until the restoration of all things.
10:20am: “Nations Prayer.” This thirty minute service of praise, prayer, intercession and thanksgiving, is nation changing, and where the action is. Join us in our priestly ministry of reigning. Click here to view the October prayer schedule.
11am: I will be sharing “The Greater One Within—Making Room for Him.” We are learning to welcome and receive the Greater One expanding His demonstrational reign in our lives. This is a learning, not earning, time of receiving not striving.
Grace and shalom,