“And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, ‘Come up here.’” (Revelations 11:12)
Next week, March, 12 begins our Champion’s Conference. Jesus is our Champion.
As He turns our attention to Himself, and as we yield to Him as our Champion, He will define who we are.
Christianity is a surrendering self to Him…day by day. It begins with a calling and a choosing to follow. But it’s not a series of human successes. In fact, the journey is very messy. We can all look back and see areas where we wish we would have done things differently or made different choices. But in all of it, the Lord says, “You’re justified.” It’s not that what we did was right, but in Jesus, we have been separated from our things into Him.
When we encounter the Lord within a season (and we have entered into a new season), the glory of the Lord will capture our heart and soul. Because of His captivating voice, His sound, His “eternity,” which overrides everything “temporary,” we will leave, in an instant, what we have carried for a lifetime—both good and bad. It could be either a sin or our highest accomplishment, which is our “sense of worth.”
As we press into His voice, that sound will start speaking to us. The bible will come alive, and we will start hearing a repetitive theme. We begin to imbibe this seed; and the seed starts to take gestation, and grows inside us.
The Lord wants us to know His love so fully, that He would be able to bury us in the deepest recesses of “hell” and our identity would not be challenged. We would be able to release His love… even there. This sounds romantic when you hear it from the “presence.” But living it out could feel like the most horrific thing you could ever live out. It’s where we commit ourselves to a consecration that we don’t have the character to carry out.
I encourage you to yield to His voice as His seed grows within.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, March 4, 7PM: Join our journey of the “Saved Your Seat” Discovery Group: Men and women will meet separately to discover truths in each chapter and discuss how to incorporate them into our lives. This week we are discussing Chapter 8. (Next Tuesday 3/11/14 we will be studying Chapter 9.) We will also hold ongoing discussions on our web site blog and Jubilee’s Facebook page. (Click here to join the discussions.)
Wednesday, March 5, 6 and 7PM: Discovery Service– The Prophetic Team will be ministering. Hear the Voice of God corporately along with individual prophecy.
Sunday, March 9, 9AM: I will be sharing “Behold the Lamb”…The good part of “the message you don’t want to hear at church.”
Sunday, 10:20AM: Nations Prayer–Moving Nations to His feet, Psalm 2. (Click here to view March prayer schedule.)
Sunday, 11AM: I will share “My Favorite Place—The Throne of Grace,” where our weakness becomes His strength!
Grace and shalom,
Steve Dittmar