REST for our SOUL
Taught by Larry Napier and Steve Dittmar.
REST for our SOUL – Session Description:
When our soul is at rest, we believe; our heart and soul become connected and affect our walk in Christ. What is our soul? Our soul is us. My soul is me. In this season, God is restoring our souls, literally returning our souls into His rest.
In this four-week session, Larry Napier and Steve Dittmar will explore the scriptures on Rest for our SOUL. Truth is the agent of freedom in the capable hands of the Holy Spirit. Understanding who we are and being brought into liberty brings rest.
About the Teachers:
Larry Napier has been following the Lord in the discovery of the heart since 1977. He leads Rediscovery of the Heart Institute, an online school equipping believers to restart their image-maker.
Steve Dittmar, the senior leader of Jubilee Church in California, was caught up into heaven in 2011, where he received a revelation of living from heavenly places. For the last ten years, Steve has pursued understanding the glorified Christ and our home inside Him.
This four-week session is an essential step to unlocking ourselves through turning to Christ.
REST is a 4 session Live interactive course led by Steve Dittmar