Taught by Larry Napier and Steve Dittmar
Jesus High Priest – Session Description:
The Son of God, Jesus, emptied Himself of all His glory, titles, authority, and power, making Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. Jesus came in the form of a mortal man. He humbled Himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on the cross.
Therefore, God has highly exalted Him.
The Resurrected Son of Man now inherits all He created and steps into all the glory He had before the world began. The firstborn of the New Creation is seated at Majesty’s right hand and anointed with gladness more than His companions. The Lord swears by an oath, “You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.”
Here in His exalted place as Lord and Christ, we know Jesus. Messiah. Lord. King. High Priest. Melchizedek. “My Righteous King—My King of Peace.” It’s time to know Jesus here and be known. These four classes will translate our mindset from earthly to heavenly and bring our lives into His glory.
About the Teachers:
Larry Napier is the founder of “Rediscovery of the Heart Institute.” Larry has been a student of beholding the glorified Christ revealed in the book of Hebrews and throughout scriptures. His beholding in the meditation of the scriptures and their Hebrew meaning have brought him into rich revelation and experiences with Jesus.
Larry Napier:
“Jesus, the firstborn from the death, whose priesthood is in the power of an indestructible life could only become the heir of all God-the-Son had emptied himself of. The-Father resurrects Jesus from the dead in the power of an Indestructible Life, exalts Jesus to His throne and say to The-Son, ‘Thy throne O God; is forever and ever and the righteous scepter is the scepter of thy kingdom.’ Throne. Scepter. Kingdom. The Father is announcing The-MAN-Jesus as a king before the heavenly host. The-Father then declares “that the Man-Jesus is being anointed by His God above all His companions (every other anointed), command His to sit at His right. The-Father then swears to The-MAN-Jesus that He will be a Royal-Priest forever, declared by God as My Righteous King i.e. Melchi-Zedek.
Steve Dittmar is the senior leader of Jubilee Church. For the past ten years, Steve has been practicing dwelling in heavenly places in Christ. Setting His mind on the things above. Steve has discovered Jesus in His exaltation as Lord, Christ, and High Priest. Through the Holy Spirit, and meditation in the scriptures, the new creation realities of Jesus’ ministry as High Priest is our salvation to the uttermost through His intercession and position.
Steve Dittmar:
Knowing Jesus as the High Priest may be the most important of restored truth and fulfillment of the last three feasts. When we come to Jesus, our High Priest, we access mercy and grace, boldness and confidence of hope, giving access into the holiest where Jesus the forerunner our high priest is. We experience our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. Here we grow up into the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
JESUS HIGH PRIEST is a 4 sessions Live interactive course led by Steve Dittmar
Session Resources: