We read that “God rested on the seventh day from all His works” Hebrews 4:10. It continues with the admonition to be diligent to enter that rest, but for so many of us this is impossible. We have so many conflicting thoughts, emotions, commitments, and even beliefs about this and that. We have the elections, our jobs, our families. How can anyone rest with all the noise?
We can enter the rest of God by submitting to the four dimensions of His rest:
- His word
- His eyes
- Our High Priest -Jesus
- The Throne of Grace
Inside of God’s rest are these four dynamic truths operating in concert. Think of it as God’s completion. All things were finished, so He could rest. So can we, if we come to His word.
- His Word – is living and powerful and will penetrate to the dividing of soul, spirit and body, continuing even to the separating of the thoughts and intentions of the heart. When we give place to the word to frame, be our meditation, even to be our habitation/abiding, we allow the creative force of God to restore, replenish, renew, reboot and recalibrate us into His redemption’s glory.
- His Eyes – are searching throughout the world and within our lives too. We are naked before Him and vulnerable in His hands. We are being called into account by His word that we have heard. We can’t escape what we have heard or refuse Him who speaks. He knows and we know, even if we forget. Vulnerability brings rest.
- Our High Priest – Jesus is the High Priest of our confession. What we have heard the Lord say to us in His word, His voice, in His promises, in His presence. It is to be our confession of the things we have seen and heard. The underlined verses in our bibles, the notes in our journal, these are our confession. We hold this fast, and our High Priest, Jesus intercedes these truths revealed. We are agreed. His word, yielded, spoken.
- The Throne of Grace – Father rules from the riches of His grace and disperses freely mercy and grace to help in whatever conflict we are in. Which is always an opportunity to Him. He rules—and we reign with Him. We come to receive whatever is lacking. Jesus has compassion on our plights, but also has the mercy and grace we need. We may feel stuck—but He isn’t.
Rest is the living word of God that upholds all creation. We come and yield our lives to truth. God eyes – the Holy Spirit – brings us into oneness and surrender to the truth. Freedom comes as we are washed by His word. Now, His word rises in our hearts and our mouths proclaim these truths. This is our confession of hope. We become aware that His grace is sufficient and His power is made perfect. We are fully equipped by faith in His victory – We have entered into His rest. We can rest in God.