I am so excited about the place of Glory that the Lord opened for us and that we entered into during Sukkot/Feast of Tabernacles this September. For me, He brought such a beholding of His Glorious Church, His fussed-over, cherished Bride in Glory! As He showed me His beautiful Bride in His radiant splendor, floods of light in scripture filled my being. Wave after wave of truth filled me to overflowing like the waters cover the sea. . . I began to see so many scriptures (that we all know and have read before) suddenly transformed in the light of His Glory; what used to feel condemning or at best overwhelming due to my failed attempts at living, now became Jesus Himself sanctifying and cleansing me, sanctifying and cleansing us, His Bride.
I see it now: We have all been given the image of marriage, something we are familiar with in the natural, as merely a shadow of the substance, which is Jesus Christ and His Glorious Church. In other words, even as Father God eclipses all earthly fathers as the best, only good father –overwhelming our sins, failures, and any fatherless experiences we carry within ourselves with His perfect fathering—so the liberating truth: Jesus is the only good husband!
When we surrender ourselves by faith to the gift He gave us in Himself, given to become sin and experience the wrath of God in our place, we begin a journey into His love, into His perfection, all through His words lovingly spoken to us. In this place of His love, we begin to become what we have been given. We truly are loved, fussed over, cherished, nourished, seen and enjoyed–all in His gift given and His words spoken. He presents us to Himself without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, holy and without blame in love. Clean and cherished. Here is the Glory of God.
The flood of scriptures and light that is filling me is immeasurable but rest assured, all in the Bible, too. This Sunday, October 14th, at the 9 am service, I plan to introduce a new teaching tool to hopefully help me “show” you what I am seeing. At the 11 am service, we have special guest speaker Liz Wright, who both carries and releases experiences in God’s Glory, something very transferable that we can all grab hold of in our pursuit of Jesus. For this month of October, Wednesdays will be encouraging expansion into these new paradigms of living gloriously with Christ.