“He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform. And therefore ‘it was accounted to him for righteousness.’” (Romans 4:20-22)
Dear Beloved of the Lord,
Right now, Jesus is before the Father, interceding our promise…our hope. As we start surrendering the outcome of our individual circumstance to Him. Here we discover the voice of our High Priest. God begins to talk about our identity. He wants us to know that He loves us and likes being with us.
We pray:
Heavenly Father, as I come before the throne of grace, I do so, not from my own righteousness, not because of my merit, or efforts. I just come before you through the blood of the Lamb, Jesus—our Savior. I come with the boldness of expectancy as I walk through the veil of our Lord and Savior, His blood, burial and resurrection .
He receives us, seated at the right hand of Father God, on the throne of Grace. He sees that we believe what He did. Now—we enter in. The hope of the future, the fullness, the glorification, the beautification of God’s people, begins to come alive. Here, in His throne room presence…this is what it is all about.
You can feel the atmosphere…It’s filled with expectancy and joy. Here, the Lord will just “glory” on us. As He emanates out of Himself: His goodness, His longsuffering, His love, His joy, His peace, His kindness, His faithfulness, His gentleness, His self-control, His life that floods from His being. He is life!
Here, we can approach Him, in honesty and rawness, with anything we feel we need to talk about. We draw near with a true heart and the blood of the Lamb sprinkles us as we disengage all conscience issues that have kept us apart which have caused us to feel ashamed or disgraced.
The love of God just fills us, the water of his word begins to wash us and the promises come alive again. His beauty enters in and here we bring the confession of our hope. Here we say, “Daddy, I believe what You showed me, what You said to me, what You caused me to launch out to do, though I may not see it now, or maybe it all went wrong…I believe it’s all true in You. I believe it will all be fulfilled by You, in You…I believe. I believe in Your faithfulness and love and my heart cries, ‘Abba, Father, You are my hope.’”
Upcoming Events
Monday, February 10, 7PM – 8:30PM: We continue our six Mondays of prayer, which started January 27th. Come be a part of pre-conference prayer gatherings to discern the heart of God for The Champions—Spring Conference, which will be held 3/12/14 to 3/15/14.
Tuesday, February 11, 7PM: Join our journey of the “Saved Your Seat” Discovery Group: Men and women will meet separately to discover truths in each chapter and discuss how to incorporate them into our lives.
Wednesday, February 12, 6PM: Discovery Service –“What Do You See?”—Describing the unseen into the seen
Wednesday, 7PM: Glory Service –Hope, The Helmet of Salvation—Putting it on, keeping it on
Sunday, February 16, 9AM: Brian Rogers will share, “The Greatest of These is Love.” Why does God say that love is the greatest?
Sunday, 10:20AM: Prayer for the Nations. The rulers of the world plot while He who sits in heaven laughs—we are the voice of agreement with God on earth.
Sunday, 11AM: I will share “The Author and Finisher of our Faith,” bringing substance to our hope.