Jesus is my husband. I know that sounds strange coming from a guy, but the biggest reason it is hard to see (whether man or woman) is that we tend to know Jesus as our Savior and Lord or Master.
We meet Him in His wonderful salvation and fail to recognize Him as our husband in eternity. Not intentionally, but by default. It is easier, (less responsibility) if know Him from afar. We ask, “Master what do you want me to do?” This is easier than, “Husband how are you?”
When I began to learn Jesus as my husband, I had to accept that I am in Him, in union, fully accepted in His love. For me to believe that His blood is enough, came by grace. It is my full pardon, my complete answer to any and all accusations both true and false. His blood is my justification.
I had to accept, and believe, that He is my glorification. His intercession, His washing of the water of His word over me, and His bringing to completion all that He promised. His word is my future. I had to believe He is able to perform what He promised and hold that promise as a confession of my hope, firm to the end. Why? Because He is faithful.
I had to accept and believe that He is my union with God, and that we are inseparable no matter what comes, happens, or doesn’t happen. I had to let love fill me all the time, because the Holy Spirit pours it into my heart, even when I don’t want it. When I am mad, or sad, or scared, or whatever, in His presence, His love comes. Do I reconcile or do I stay in my funk? A servant can stay in their funk because they are not always with their master, but a wife? A wife has to talk it through, let love come, forgive and be forgiven. A wife cannot escape her husband.
Learning Jesus as husband continues to be a challenge to my default servant mindset. When life gets hard, or sketchy, it is easier to blame a boss, than a husband. It is easier to ignore a boss after work, than your husband at home. This is where you live, sleep and eat, – with the person you dwell with. But each time I yield again to truth, “Jesus you are my husband, my justification, my glorification, my union,” I find the servant heart surrenders to the covenant heart of matrimony.
Jesus is our husband. His goal is us, His bride, a wife made ready. He is committed to our glorification and active in our washing. He is a lover of our souls. He has walked through every form of rejection, bewilderment, betrayal, and sin against Himself, that we will. He is able to help us by being merciful, understanding, never demanding that we preform, but only believe. Believe He is able, Believe He is loving, strong, and kind. Believe He is for us, and will never leave us or forsake us, He cannot hate us because we are His flesh, bone of His bone. Yes, Jesus as Husband is better than Master.
Wednesday June 1, 7 pm: UK Invasion! Guest Speaker: Bobbi Kumari, from CCF, London, with Guest Worship: Angela Hodge, from CCF London. Bobbi is a fashion designer and dynamic Bible teacher. Angela is a Worship Leader, professional vocalist and events coordinator for CCF.
Sunday June 5, 9 am: Peety Escovedo will be sharing “God’s Victory in Us.” This message of victory will launch our “Increase and Overflow Sunday”. A Sunday to lay hold of victory in every area of our life. Our Beastmode Worship Team will lead worship at all services.
Sunday, 10:20 am: Nations Prayer – What would the kingdoms of this world becoming the kingdoms of our Lord look like? It would look like whatever we saw first in prayer. In this time of shaking lets join with the promise God gave through Haggai “I will shake all nations and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations.” Haggai 2:7a
Sunday, 11 am: Increase and Overflow Sunday – Miracles and Ministry! Don’t miss this prophetic and messy Sunday. We are asking all our ministers to join together to lay hold of the Lord’s abundance in every area of life… and give it away! Below is a picture of what we are planning:
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. Psalms 23:5
It is the plan of God for each of us to be in a state of comfort and peace even in the midst of our enemies, our lack, our debits and need.
Father is not caught off-guard by our current circumstances. Quite the opposite. He is eternally prepared, even in the details of anointing you for your new place. That place is a place of cup running over–overflow, abundance and increase. And, it does not stop there. Quick! Look behind you–goodness and mercy are running after you, hot on your trail to overtake you, chasing you down like hound dogs hunting down their prey. Goodness and mercy’s goal is for each of us to hold a place in the House of the Lord, to dwell with ease in His presence.
All of God, and everything He does, is abundance. Like Jeremiah 33:9, Father’s plan is for us to be so blessed, so full, so overflowing with His goodness, that our neighbors and the nations tremble for all that He has done in our lives.
On Sunday, June 5th, together, we will enter in to His presence behind the veil and obtain His overflow of abundance for our places of lack.
We will have healing ministry teams to pray for increase of strength and healing.
The Acts Teams will pray for increase of faith & power to “go and do” and take the good news to our neighborhood and the nations.
Our Prophetic Ministers will speak increase over our lives and to the promises we are carrying.
Other teams will declare and agree for prosperity over each of us, our family and all that concerns our future. Come expecting the God of Overflow to turn our desert place into a rushing stream, full of fruitfulness and increase.