Jesus had finished Passover, Judas had left to betray Him, and Peter was still stinging at the words, “You cannot follow me now.” Jesus sought to comfort His disciples and direct their hearts into the future with these words.
“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. John 14:1-3
Jesus prepared the place for us through His death, burial and resurrection. He came again in His resurrection and received us to be with Him where He is. Jesus ascended. Now, as High Priest of our confession, He makes intercession for us. With Him in heavenly places, we are learning to agree with His victory and triumph as we carry our confession of hope with Him to the throne of grace.
There before the Father we stand together, us in Christ and Christ over us. The Father see us when He sees Jesus and sees Jesus when He see us. We are inseparable, we are one. The only delineation is that we are in Christ and Christ is over us, He is the head and we are His body. He has accomplished all and we receive all. Oh what joy to be grafted into the vine.
Mansions in the Father’s heart grow up to become dwelling places for God in the Spirit as we each individually:
Abide in Jesus – His wonderful complete work
His words abide in is – the Father precious promises
The Holy Spirit keeps us – in the power of God
Prayer is our abiding practice. Here we can enter fully into the place of our justification, and fellowship in His promises of glorification, as we are strengthened with might in our inner man from the riches of His glory through the Holy Spirit. Love poured out.
Pray, receiving what Jesus has done, activated with our praises.
Pray and confess what Jesus is saying, activated as we meditate the word of God.
Pray and be empowered by the Holy Spirit dwelling in us as He pours His love into our heart.
Practicing this kind of prayer is the message of Mansions.