When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. – Acts 2:1, 2

Wednesday night, we begin POWER! Now, we know that WE are not the power, nor the source of power. We are in need of His power. Therefore, we can do what Jesus directed His disciples to do at Pentecost. That is to position ourselves to receive power, by coming together with one accord in one place.

“With one accord” is an interesting word in the Greek. It is a compound word meaning “same passion”, as in breathing hard. There are suddenlies of God yet to be given to His church. When we move together into time, place, and spirit, we are in position for heaven to sound, the glory comes down—and things change forever.

Solomon called the priests and levites together to dedicate the Temple. They gathered, sanctified themselves as one and began to tune their spirits in singing and playing instruments. When they became as one, in thanking and praising the Lord, the house of the Lord was filled with glory.

With one accord, in one place, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord – this is our part – the rest is up to God!

We have four days set apart:

Beginning this Wednesday night at 7 pm
Continuing Thursday- Friday 10 am; 2 pm; 4 pm; and 7 pm
Saturday 10 am, 2 pm and ending around 4 pm.

The Lord has called us together during His Feast of Tabernacles inside His sovereignty and power. Please pray for us and join us, as we lift our spirits as one toward heaven. God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and power, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit for His disciples to receive power.

Now it’s OUR turn—to pray, gather, rise as one and see the glory of God.

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