Christmas is a time of announcements, Christmas cards, parties, special services (Ours will be Christmas Eve at 5:00 pm and Christmas Day at 10:00 am), a time for gift giving and family gatherings. It can be overwhelming to say the least! The first Christmas surely was. Traveling many days, Joseph brought his pregnant wife Mary, from Nazareth to Bethlehem, only to discover upon their arrival, that there was no room at the Inn. Mary, about to give birth, found shelter in a stable. There, her son, our Savior, was born.
Jesus was laid in a manger as the young mother recuperated. But, within an hour or two Mary and Joseph were met by shepherds with an amazing tale. An angel of the Lord appeared and the glory of the Lord surrounded them. They were told of Jesus’ birth and where they could find Him. He was the Savior who is Christ, the Lord! But it gets bigger: An army of angels appeared and proclaimed, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” Luke 2:14
Glory to God in the highest! When we give glory to God, peace and goodwill will come to us on earth. He becomes our peace and good disposition.
Joseph and Mary heard the recount of this vision and Mary hid these words in her heart. “Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.” Peace and goodwill carried her through the day, weeks, months and years to come. If you listen, you can hear the angels direct glory to God and peace to you.
Merry Christmas! Glory to God! Peace and goodwill to everyone! Jesus is born! He is risen and He reigns—The glory of God is shining in His face!