Happy New Year! When we cross any threshold of time and space, we are leaving one place for another. Whether we are coming from work to home, or one year to the next, we can leave fully and enter wholly.
Receive all that God has for you. Often, we leave before fully receiving what God has intended for us. Maybe we are impatient wanting to get out of the last season, or expectant for the next. Pause and receive. Take it in, whatever the Year has brought. Receive God’s completion, His miracle, and His grace, before you leave this year. I keep hearing Him say, “I have miracles to give that people are not picking up.” Receive your miracle!
Give thanks for what God has done. When we pause to receive, we can pause to give thanks. Thanksgiving is the most beautiful expression of the heart and attracts beauty to the heart. Thank God for this last year and all He has done. Thank Him for words He has spoken, promises He has given and experiences in which He has revealed Himself. Thank Him for His grace, His love and His protection. Thank Him for being an ever present help in time of need. Thank Him for the things you didn’t like, too. Who knows what He working on?
Finish what you can. When I was young and just married I came to the end of December, I was reminded, in my heart, of a promise that I had made to God. I promised to give $10 to a ministry monthly. I had been unable to keep the promise, always having something come up each month. I felt I was to give $120 and finish this commitment. That was a lot of money for me in the 80’s (It would be like $1,200 today). But I gave it. I felt God’s satisfaction and learned more about not making promises lightly.
Finish what you can.
Let go of what you can’t control.
Life happened and there where unexpected interruptions, breaches, losses, offenses, and disappointments.
Let them go.
Release those guilty.
Forgive and enter the year whole, not bringing this debt with you.
Expectations have a way of sabotaging our future when not met if we obsess on what happened, or should have happened, or shouldn’t have happened. Let it go, and it will become powerless. The future is complete in Christ. It is not indebted to the past, so neither should we.
Forgive others, forgive ourselves, and forgive God.
Receive, give thanks, finish, and forgive and we will enter wholly into the new year.
Actually this works for every day as well. A simple pause before leaving to enter the next place has miraculous effects on the heart and our living.