Jesus called His disciples to follow Him throughout His earthly ministry. He made known what discipleship under Him looked like:
- Abide in My word
- Love one another as I have loved you
- Abide in Me and My words abide in you.
At first glance it seems simple, and it is. Abiding in His word, abiding in His love, and abiding in Christ with His words that He has spoken to us abiding in us. For the next three weeks, we will unpack each of these disciplines and the promises each hold for us.
Abiding in His word is first. Living in His logos—the written word of God, causes our discovery of truth that will make us free. Truth shown is an invitation to discover Jesus. Truth known is freedom—freedom in any and all situations in which we may find ourselves.
We will start with abiding in His word next week. John 8:31-36
Now is a perfect time to read along in your bible together with us as we read through the book of Acts, and specific Psalms used to proclaim the resurrected Christ, and four epistles. To see or download the schedule, click here.