The atmosphere of Heaven is joy filled. Full of color and light, the song of the Lord rises: He has won, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah has prevailed. In the presence of the Lord, there is joy. At His right hand are pleasures forevermore. He has won and He knows it. He sits in heaven and He laughs at His enemies, knowing they shall soon be underneath His footstool. With His rod of iron, He rules in the midst of His enemies. This is His triumph: His joy–our triumph:, our joy!
His joy is ours. It’s our strength, that is accessible at all times. Even in sorrow we rejoice. We can always be rejoicing. His assurance of ultimate triumph in every situation makes battles fun. Yes, we feel the pain, conflict, and fear. But the Holy Spirit is ever present to celebrate the victory that is ours, especially when it doesn’t feel like victory and look like triumph.
So, we choose joy! His joy that accompanies faith and strengthens endurance. We shine, we sing, we dance, and we rejoice in the Lord always!
Right now we choose joy. We pause feeling His brightness invading our darkness. We shine in glory and rejoice in our faith. It’s more than our circumstances will permit, but we don’t care. It’s not up to our circumstances. We rejoice in our Lord and His victory.