The Holy Spirit was manifest in demonstration and power as we gathered last week for our Holy Spirit conference! I have not been in services like these, ever! The glory cloud was seen at multiple times as healings and miracles were disbursed. Jesus was made even more famous!
I am so grateful to everyone who prayed, came, and took of the waters of life freely. Thank you for believing and receiving! The conference will soon be available on our website (On Demand), to watch over and over again. The truths unlocked and the power received will take me months to fully imbibe, and I plan to receive all that was given.
Jesus is now more famous than ever! His name shall be heard, faith will come, and hearts will surrender as the Holy Spirit demonstrates the glorious Gospel we have been given in power.
What Now?
It’s in these moments after incredible breakthroughs that we can either advance or retreat. It’s not that anyone ever plans to retreat; it’s more we fail to give all that we have been given back to the Lord. Like the sin of Achan– keeping some of the spoil from Jericho for himself–or Joshua’s failure to ask the Lord how to advance and take the next city of Ai; because of this, the children of Israel found themselves retreating and not advancing in the next battle (See Joshua 7).
This Wednesday, we are going to give back to the Lord. We’ll declare testimony, praise, shouts, and give Him all the Glory for what He has done and is NOW doing! Please, bring your thanksgiving, return to the point of breakthrough and victory, and give thanks to the Lord. Through thanksgiving and speaking out the testimony of Jesus, the fullness of His works and revelation in our lives becomes the DOOR into our future prophetic experiences, already planned by God for us!
Waiting on the Lord for the next move, according to His plans, is so important: so that we hear clearly and do not presume anything. That’s why we’ll begin prayer again from 4:30-6:00 pm this Wednesday in the Soaking Room. Come: Receive, give thanks, hear, see, and advance. Glory!